Which preposition to use with armchairs

in Occurrences 27%

But if you doubt your peril, watch" and taking the rusty fire-tongs from the grate he carefully placed them on end in front of the deep old armchair in which I had sat, and then allowed them to fall against the edge of the seat, springing quickly back as he did so.

at Occurrences 12%

We found Madame Grevy with her daughter and one or two ladies, wives, I suppose, of the secretaries, seated in the well-known drawing-room with the beautiful tapestriesMadame Grevy in a large gold armchair at the end of the rooma row of gilt armchairs on each side of hersmademoiselle standing behind her mother.

by Occurrences 12%

When he rejoined her, Mary was sitting in the armchair by the fire; she heard his account of the state of affairs up-to-date with a thoughtful smile, smoking a cigarette; her smile broadened over the tale of the water-butt.

with Occurrences 12%

Prince Hohenlohe came often, settled himself in an armchair with his cup of tea, and talked easily and charmingly about everything.

near Occurrences 9%

A couple wanted the same, only one more, a blanket for a big armchair near the fire.

of Occurrences 8%

In the middle of the floor, with their backs to the door at which Mary and her companion stood, were set two small armchairs of plain and cheap make.

on Occurrences 6%

We remained standing a few minutes and then she sat down on a sofa (not a very small one) which she quite filled, and motioned me to take an armchair on one side.

beside Occurrences 4%

A fire blazed on the hearth, and Beaumaroy sank into a "saddle-bag" armchair beside it, with a sigh of comfort.

for Occurrences 3%

At this exemplary old lady, Paul would sit staring in his little armchair for any length of time.

before Occurrences 2%

Nor she did make any attempt to go out of doors that morning, but lay curled up in an armchair before the fire dozing.

from Occurrences 2%

Upon this I made an effort to get up in order to put my threat into execution, but the ruffian just reached across the table very deliberately, and hitting me a tap on the forehead with the neck of one of the long bottles, knocked me back into the armchair from which I had half arisen.

between Occurrences 1%

When she came back, sobbing in her handkerchief, she sank into an armchair between Marianne and her husband.

into Occurrences 1%

The seat which the sisters had chosen, because it was just a quiet little corner for two, was a nook scooped out, as it were, in a jut of granite; hollowed in behind and perpendicularly to a height above their heads, and embracing a mossy little flat below, so that it seemed like a great solid armchair into which two could get together, and a third could not possibly intrude.

opposite Occurrences 1%

He led her in, pulling the door to after him, and placed her and himself in front of the two small armchairs opposite Mr. Saffron's throne.

toward Occurrences 1%

He drew a linen-swathed armchair toward her; she absently seated herself and lay back, caressing the roses with delicate lips and chin.

towards Occurrences 1%

" "I can quite appreciate that," Norris Vine said, seating himself in the armchair towards which he was being gently pushed.

under Occurrences 1%

Once or twice a soeur jardiniere with a big, flat straw hat over her coiffe and veil tending the flowers (there were not many) or weeding the lawn, sometimes convalescents or old ladies seated in armchairs under the trees, but there was never any sound of voices or of life.

Which preposition to use with  armchairs