Which preposition to use with billions

of Occurrences 33%

Three billions of the amount was intended for loans to the Allies, and the remainder for active prosecution of the war by the United States.

in Occurrences 3%

The device that enabled the ameba to change its position in space of its own will, and so increased its freedom immeasureably, meant the generation of infinite evil, pain, suffering and degradation for billions in the womb of time.

around Occurrences 1%

Now the sights and sounds of this ceremony are broadcast instantaneously to billions around the world.

for Occurrences 1%

" "If something doesn't happen," observed Destyn, pocketing his instrument, "the Green Mouse, Limited, will go into liquidation with no liabilities and no assets, and there'll be no billions for you or for me or for anybody.

on Occurrences 1%

The nations have spent over a hundred billions on the war, and that is but part of the wealth which has gone down in the catastrophe.

Which preposition to use with  billions