Which preposition to use with feathery

as Occurrences 4%

Young Sugar Pines, light and feathery as squirrel-tails, were bowing almost to the ground; while the grand old patriarchs, whose massive boles had been tried in a hundred storms, waved solemnly above them, their long, arching branches streaming fluently on the gale, and every needle thrilling and ringing and shedding off keen lances of light like a diamond.

than Occurrences 2%

And Tree Mother's hair was whiter and more feathery than either.

like Occurrences 1%

The fallen snow crystals are quite feathery like thistledown.

on Occurrences 1%

" Agnes abstractedly stooped and began plucking handfuls of lycopodium, which was growing green and feathery on one side of the marble frieze on which she was sitting; in so doing, a fragment of white marble, which had been overgrown in the luxuriant green, appeared to view.

with Occurrences 1%

She was grave and severe, sitting back in her chair, her head up, not looking at me at all, but beyond through the window to the tops of the trees feathery with snow against the sky of egg-shell blue.

Which preposition to use with  feathery