Which preposition to use with hardening

into Occurrences 73%

Alcander, am I awake?or being so, Dost not perceive this senseless Flesh of mine Hardened into a cold benumbed Statue?

in Occurrences 59%

Neither had they any knowledge of iron, as their javelins were merely constructed of wood, having their points hardened in the fire, and armed with a piece of fish-bone.

to Occurrences 35%

But the youngsters were not yet hardened to the strain and soon fell back to third and fourth.

of Occurrences 31%

During the operation of boiling or roasting, this substance coagulates, and thereby prevents the contraction and hardening of the fibres.

against Occurrences 13%

But my mind is hardened against adversity.

with Occurrences 10%

Hardened with toil and exercise, They counted ease itself a vice; Which so improved their temperance That, to avoid extravagance, They flew into a hollow tree, Blessed with content and honesty.

as Occurrences 7%

You are simply a commonplace, every-day sort of man, not thoroughly hardened as yet to being engaged, and you are feeling a bit pulled down to-night, because your liver or something is out of sorts.

for Occurrences 5%

He remonstrated with Mr. Henry, and told him how he felt that, had his father controlled his careless nature, and been an exact, vigilant landlord, these tenantry would never have had the great temptation to do him wrong; and that therefore he considered some allowance should be made for them, and some opportunity given them to redeem their characters, which would be blasted and hardened for ever by the publicity of a law-suit.

like Occurrences 4%

But this does not arise either from the man's strength or the teacher's weakness; for when the man, though he has been confuted, is hardened like a stone, how shall we then be able to deal with him by argument?

by Occurrences 4%

In sea water the chief ingredient is common salt, which exists in solution: the water admitted to the boiler is taken away in the shape of steam, and the saline matter which is not vaporizable accumulates in process of time in the boiler, until its amount is so great that the water is saturated, or unable to hold any more in solution; the salt is then precipitated and forms a deposit which hardens by heat.

toward Occurrences 3%

"He isn't looking at these things, so strange to an ordinary cabin in the woods, for the first time," was what Max was telling himself; and consequently his heart hardened toward the fellow.

at Occurrences 3%

This albumen, which is also the chief component of the white of eggs, possesses the peculiarity of coagulating or hardening at a certain temperature, like the white of a boiled egg, into a soft, white fluid, no longer soluble, or capable of being dissolved in water.

on Occurrences 3%

The sardonic smile hardened on the lips of Nash as he answered: "Before you've been here much longer, Pete, you'll find out that about everything I do is square.

from Occurrences 2%

So unexpected was the blow that even De Lhut, hardened from his childhood to every shock and danger, stood shaken and dismayed.

through Occurrences 2%

His limbs became hardened through contact with armour, and as he was very strong and brave, temperate and of good counsel, he easily obtained command of a company.

under Occurrences 2%

I believe it is used for a cement by the Canal Company, which hardens under water.

within Occurrences 2%

Yet the dislike for Paul Colbert, which thus hardened within him, had no taint of jealousy in the ordinary sense of that term.

around Occurrences 1%

The hot, still atmosphere weighed down upon the Pacific, ironing out the wind ruffles till the ocean resembled a plain of glass, in which the Union Company's steamer Navua, from Auckland, appeared to be stuck fast, as if the glassy sea had suddenly hardened around her black hull.

beyond Occurrences 1%

The Bitterness of being the Scorn and Laughter of base Minds, the Anguish of being insulted by Men hardened beyond the Sense of Shame or Pity, and the Injury of a Man's Fortune being wasted, under Pretence of Justice, are excellently aggravated in the following Speech of Pierre to Faffeir: 'I pass'd this very Moment by thy Doors, And found them guarded by a Troop of Villains: The Sons of publick Rapine were destroying.

to Occurrences 1%

Thus nature lends a gradual protective hardening to a tender surface during abrasion with a coarser thing.

at Occurrences 1%

Her face had acquired a habit of hardening at the mention of Paul's name.

before Occurrences 1%

It has seemed to me sometimes as though I could see men hardening before my eyes, drawing in a feeler here, walling up an opening there.

over Occurrences 1%

She was broader and stouter; the tender rose had hardened over her high cheek bones.

Which preposition to use with  hardening