Which preposition to use with peopled

of Occurrences 7037%

But you that have trudged over more roads than any muleteer that plies for hire, you must have come across the people of Lyons, and you must know that it is a far cry from Xanthus to the Rhone."

in Occurrences 3617%

There were quite a number of people in the eveningthe music of the garde republicaine playing, and a buffet in the dining-room which was always crowded.

with Occurrences 740%

A wraith ship, peopled with skeletons, would have been less dreadful to their sight than the brisk and active desolation of the heeling schooner.

at Occurrences 634%

It was an impressive scene, the hall packed, and people at all the doors and entrances clamouring for seats.

from Occurrences 600%

I felt sorry for the Orientals and people from milder climesthey looked so miserably cold and wretched shivering under the very fresh April breezes that swept over the great plain of the Champ de Mars.

on Occurrences 580%

We tied up one night by the side of another similar craft, that had gone down ahead of us, the people on board of which had landed and built a camp-fire, and erected their tent.

to Occurrences 519%

"Well, after the rain had continued falling for a number of days, and the valleys were all full of water, and the angry surges went roaring, with the voice of ten thousand thunders, high up along the sides of the hills, one of these pestilent fellowsderiding the miraculous exhibition going on all around himundertook, in his self-conceit, to lead the people to a place of safety.

for Occurrences 456%

I want to get into the jungles sometime and win those poor, ignorant heathen people for Jesus.

as Occurrences 343%

And worst of all is that they have slaves and sell their own people as slaves.

like Occurrences 250%

It really does seem rather a pity, the very first time one dines with people like the Mitchells.'

by Occurrences 242%

He, in short, united, for the simple people by whom he was surrounded, the functions of lawyer, physician, schoolmaster, and divine, and richly merited the reverential respect in which they held him, as well as their little presents of eggs, fruit, and garden stuff.

about Occurrences 195%

Of a civil engineer who would lament that the mountain over which he was asked to project a road was steep? Of a doctor who would grieve that hosts of people about him were very ill?

into Occurrences 171%

It is a thousand pities that the cities could not be emptied every summer of their little people into the free and open country, where they could run about, and sport and play, and have free range and plenty of elbow-room.

than Occurrences 147%

"I believe she would rather associate with such people than with those of her own class.

against Occurrences 130%

It stands as one people against the present enemy, and in its effort does not fail to give thought to race conservation for the future.

among Occurrences 95%

It was a great satisfaction and pride to Parisians to have so many royalties and distinguished people among them again.

under Occurrences 95%

The Church is drawing hosts of young people under the shelter of its teaching, and is placing before men and women ideals which cannot fail to make their mark upon the social standards of the times.

without Occurrences 86%

The upper house of Congress is therefore a federal while the lower house is a national body, and the government is brought into direct contact with the people without endangering the equal rights of the several states.

around Occurrences 77%

The families of their people around supply the societies of these monks with an abundant sufficiency of what they require, so that there is no lack or stint.

out Occurrences 66%

A few wise and noble spirits, true Faithfuls and Great Hearts, led a despondent people out of the Slough of Despond till their feet were again on firm ground and their faces turned towards the Delectable Mountains of peace, justice, and liberty.

through Occurrences 61%

During his last illness he suffered at times intensely; yet was patient, brave, and full of thoughtfulness for his people through it all, and looked forward with firm hope to spending Easter with his Maker.

over Occurrences 50%

the law does give people over other peoplebecause Aunt Betsy married Uncle John fifty years ago, and was probably infernally sorry for it!" Mary smiled.

during Occurrences 37%

Spotted Tail had permission from the Government to hunt the buffalo, with his people during the winter, in the Republican river country.

within Occurrences 32%

It was wrapped in darkness though the sun was shining, the windows closed as if they never would open more, and the people within turning their faces to the wall, covering their eyes that they might not see the light of day.

before Occurrences 23%

He brought his mother a tragedy in which, though he killed sixteen people before the second act, she laughed so that he thrust the masterpiece into the fire in a pet.

Which preposition to use with  peopled