Which preposition to use with wilkie

for Occurrences 1%

We can only add, that it is Lady Pentweazle sitting to Carmine for her portraitthe look that he despairs of imitating, as we do Foote's account of her family: Some nice calculators have estimated that the various sums received by Mr. Wilkie for the supplies he has furnished to the Illustrations of the Annuals of the coming season amount to upwards of £1,000.Athenaeum.

than Occurrences 1%

It was a piece of charming genrea crowded scene in Rotten Row, called 'Waiting for the Queen,' painted with knowledge and grace; owing more to Wilkie than to Frith, and something to influences more modern than either; a picture belonging to a familiar English tradition, and worthily representing it.

Which preposition to use with  wilkie