25 Verbs to Use for the Word dimples

Then she smileda smile that brought two tiny dimples into beingoh, such a smile!

But she showed her dimples with a broad smile, as she said, "It is written in the book of fate, Mamita Lila, 'Always hiding or running away.'

"This is a fine time for you to be traipsing in," she told him, with a smile that revealed a deep dimple in each cheek.

Also, he saw dimples.

While silent watch the angels keep, Who smiles so sweetly in his sleep, And oft displays his dimples deep.

Besides, sheyou knowshe's got a dimple you could lay your finger in.

Of the heroine, we quote the author's outline: Penelope Primrose exceeded the middle stature, that her dark blue eyes were shaded by a deep and graceful fringe, that her complexion was somewhat too pale for beauty, but that its paleness was not perceptible as a defect whenever a smile illumined her countenance, and developed the dimples that lurked in her cheek and underlip.

According to the rules of beauty, it was impossible to grant her any, save that of having dimples in her cheeks.

The tiresomest thing about you is the way you leash up that dimple of yours.

The cheeks, moreover, were not rosy like those of his cousin Jinny, nor rounded in their contoursthe chin was too pointed; yet even as John looked a sudden dimple flashed there, and a smile, swift and mischievous, lit up the whole face.

I do love your dimple.

some into the lakes and rivers, patting the smooth glassy levels, making dimples and bells and spray, washing the mountain windows, washing the wandering winds; some plashing into the heart of snowy falls and cascades as if eager to join in the dance and the song and beat the foam yet finer.

" Rafael noted the dimples that a charming smile traced in those wonderful cheeks!

" Again the girl laughed, and I noticed the dimple in her cheek, the gray-blue eyes glancing up at me mockingly.

Here's to the charmer whose dimples we prize, Now to the damsel with none, sir; Here's to the girl with a pair of blue eyes, And now to the nymph with but one, sir: Let the toast pass, Drink to the lass I warrant she'll prove an excuse for the glass.

"What's this?" Ina Deacon produced, fleetly, an unlooked-for dimple.

"Her face is swollen on one side till she couldn't raise a dimple to save her life," she announced, glancing to see that the doors were discreetly closed.

"Her eyes now" says Madame de Motteville, "were full of fire, her complexion had become beautiful, her face less thin, her cheeks took dimples which gave her a fresh charm, and she had fine arms and beautiful hands.

Her face, colored like palest ivory with rose, was no doll's face, for all its symmetry and a forgotten patch to balance the dimple in her rounded chin; it was even noble in a sense, and, if too chaste for sensuous beauty, yet touched with a strange and pensive sweetness, like 'witched marble waking into flesh.

Little Mary Elizabeth, why, she looks so purty when she pouts, now, that I've been tempted sometimes to pervoke her to it, thess to witness the new set o' dimples she'll turn out on short notice; but I ain't never done it.

" "I can believe you, Winnie, for I know you have a good heart; but what can have occurred of sufficient importance to banish those dimples from your cheek?

Then sometimes she would look across abstractedly to the Red Tower, trying to recall a strain she had forgotten, with her finger all the while making the most bewitching dimple on her plump cheek.

After that he seemed to think we had quite made everything up, and went on talking in the friendliest way, but I would not thaw; he shall not have the chance of blaming my dimple again for any of his misconduct!

but it is thus reported in circling dimples, in lines of beauty, as it were the constant welling up of its fountain, the gentle pulsing of its life, the heaving of its breast.

" She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches as she said it, and never the suspicion of a smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  dimples