7 Verbs to Use for the Word gaping

" He then chatted pleasantly a moment, with the party, and passed on, giving an ominous gape, as he drew nearer to the oi polloi of literature.

"I heard thee say he was thy foster-brother," returned the other, struggling to conceal a gape.

"What dost thou gape and wonder at?

All this we can accept as a settled fact, and also any description of the way in which the parasitic worms attach themselves to the throats of the birds, and cause the peculiar gaping of the mouth which gives the name to the disease.

To reach a portion of Des Sarts, as yet un-visited, we skirted the gape of the crater, climbing over craggy accumulations of wreckage, and traversed a tunnel with an arched roof and mildewed brick walls, like a wine vault.

Continually rushing open-mouthed after these, they have stretched their gape from ear to ear; but their bills have dwindled by disuse and left only an apology for their absence.

"thirsting Tantalus gapes for the water that eludes his lips.

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  gaping