9 Verbs to Use for the Word microbe

Un homme chez les microbes, scherzo.

All the War propaganda against the German Empires, recounting, sometimes exaggerating, all the crimes of the enemy, claiming that all the guilt was on the side of Germany, describing German atrocities as a habit, almost a characteristic of the German people, deriding German culture as a species of liquid in which were bred the microbes of moral madnessall this was legitimate, perhaps necessary, during the War.

*** An American scientest claims to have discovered a harmless germ likely to defeat the "flu" microbe.

They discovered microbes in the well, and mosquitoes in the cistern, and wasps in the garret.

If he is too severe, he will fix in the shirks more firmly the shirk microbe; but if he is of better fibre, he may supply a little more will to those who lack it, and gradually create an atmosphere of right intent, so that the only disgrace will consist in their wearing the face off the regulator and keeping one ear cocked to catch the coming footsteps of the boss.

I remember, for instance, that I was compelled in my youth, during an epidemic of cholera, to stay in a closed room, in which fumigation was carried on with substances irritating the bronchial tubes and lungs without killing the cholera microbes, as was proved later on.

Instead of that, the legislators permit the microbes of criminality to develop their pathogenic powers in society.

Already Jack had gone into one of his trances, as he does whenever there is a possibility of bearding a brand-new microbe in its den, whether it is in his own country or one beyond the seas.

And yet any one convinced of the miraculous power of hygiene could easily clean his teeth every day and prevent the microbes of tooth rot from thriving, thereby saving his teeth from harm and pain.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  microbe