12 Verbs to Use for the Word oatmeal

When they had eaten the little oatmeal that Mrs. Slessor had for breakfast, they lined up for inspection.

Q.Can you give any other examples of the power necessary for grinding corn? A.An engine exerting 23-1/3 horses power by the indicator works two pairs of flour stones of 4 feet 8 inches diameter, two pairs of stones grinding oatmeal of 4 feet 8 inches diameter, one dressing machine, one pair of fanners, one dust screen, and one sifting machine.

Clean the head well, and let it soak in warm water for 2 hours, to get rid of the blood; put it into a saucepan, with sufficient cold water to cover it, and when it boils, add the vegetables, peeled and sliced, and the remaining ingredients; before adding the oatmeal, mix it to a smooth batter with a little of the liquor.

Make porridge in usual way, that is, have fast boiling water, and into that sprinkle the oatmeal smoothly, putting about twice as much oatmeal in proportion to the water as is usual.

The greasy waiter grinned and set the oatmeal which Howard had ordered before Freddy.

Make porridge in usual way, that is, have fast boiling water, and into that sprinkle the oatmeal smoothly, putting about twice as much oatmeal in proportion to the water as is usual.

One of these, called brose, much used in Scotland, is made by simply stirring oatmeal into some hot liquid, as beef broth, or the water in which a vegetable has been boiled.

The easiest way to do this is to tie the oatmeal in a coarse cloth and pound it with a wooden mallet.

Maybe, 'tis their oatmeal.

For a medium-sized haggis, then, toast a breakfastcupful oatmeal in front of the fire, or in the oven till brown and crisp, but not burnt.

They could not afford oatmeal, and even of their Indian meal porridge they could only afford to have two meals a day.

Freddy had always been accustomed to a nice breakfast of tea and toast and jam, but Howard insisted on ordering oatmeal for him.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  oatmeal