13 Verbs to Use for the Word oblongs

ÉCU, m., ancien bouclier oblong; ancienne monnaie valant trois livres.

One by one the lights in the hospital had been extinguished; a lantern glimmered at the guard-house; here and there an illuminated window cast its oblong of paler light across the grass.

Every massive joist half growing from dimness overhead was hung with ghostly shreds of cobweb; and on the grayish whiteness of the floor the children's naked soles cut out oblongs dotted with toe-marks.

I got a pretty good room after awhile in the Parker House"he drew a small oblong south of the El Dorado "for a hundred dollars a week, but I didn't stay long.

The thin ether-cool air was quivering with the dissonance of bird calls; the low sun had laid great slow-moving oblongs of reddish gilt upon the brown walls of the big room.

The orange light from the sunset found every window, blinded them and left them blank oblongs of orange.

They scrambled together down the steep path and over the stretch of rocky beach to where the tiny float lay a black oblong on the water.

There was no mistaking the three upright oblongs of light; they were tall windows in the house, the occupants of which doubtless had been aroused at this unearthly hour by the fierceness of the storm.

The inner court, with its wine-pool and tanks, is a small oblong of 8 ft. by 9 ft., upon which open four silver-latticed window-oblongs in the same proportion, and two doors, before and behind, oblongs in the same proportion.

P. polypodiòides Fronds oblong, two to seven inches long, deeply pinnátifid, gray and scurfy underneath with peltate scales having a dark center.

One, on the ground floor, showed a golden oblong, skirted with watery gray where the lamp-light thinned the solid blackness of the wall.

"Yes," assented the miner, and he traced an oblong on the northern end, "and just behind it, on Washington Street, was Sam Brannan's house.

But his questing eyes watched the vast oblong of the lake, looking continually for a sign, whether that of friend or foe.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  oblongs