7 adjectives to describe cabby

Then, doubtless, in a considerate and honest spiritfor there are still some considerate and honest cabbies in Londonhe tried to explain matters.

They landed at the Great Western Docks, to find themselves surrounded by eager British cabbies.

He looked up at the cabbythe red-faced, bottle-nosed cabby, with his absurd scarlet vest, his mustard-coloured trousers and his glazed top hat.

an imperturbable British cabby would only touch his cap and say, "Very good, miss!"

" "Are you though?" said the manifestly incredulous cabby.

He looked up at the cabbythe red-faced, bottle-nosed cabby, with his absurd scarlet vest, his mustard-coloured trousers and his glazed top hat.

Quite unconcernedly she would jam down the lever of the taximeter the wily Italian cabby had pulled only halfway so that the meter might register double.

7 adjectives to describe  cabby