16 adjectives to describe duffer

Poor little duffer, let him go.

An army crammer named Captain Vigours wanted someone energetic for his mathematical duffers and to teach geometrical drawing and what he was pleased to call "Sandhurst Science."

'Asn't no one ever told you?" He thought prison had made his brother a fearful duffer not to know that.

Winkles, a frightful duffer ... former pupil of mine ... no good....

Airplanes are by all odds safer than taxisand no end safer than the infernal duffer who's been chaffing you would be if I could once get my hands on him.

The cosmopolitan Antiochenes returned the compliment, regarding Romans as mere duffers in depravity, philistines in art, but capable in war and government, and consequently to be feared, if not respected.

Mug's an awful chump, but he's a good-natured old duffer, and you and I'll do the fighting.

If it had been any sort of a decent accident, I believe I could bear it better, but to be knocked over in a football match, like the precious duffer that I ambah!"

Were I not of a profoundly indolent, restless, adventurous nature, and horribly averse to writing, I would make a great book of this and live honoured by every profound duffer in the world.

Hear him at lunch explaining to HERBIE (with whom he has made friends again) that I am "not bad at sums, but a shocking duffer at Latin."

Naturally I was annoyed at the silly duffer dropping three hours' work just on account of a centipede.

"The train-robbers were such thoroughgoing duffers at the trade," I said, "that if they had left their names and addresses they wouldn't have made it much easier.

Ecrivez vous maintenant en réponse, et donnez moi une description d'un de votre jeux, pour me montrer que vous Français ne sont pas, comme nous pensons en Angleterre, tous des "duffers."

Plainly and simply the avid duffers, which every sport must have if it is to survive and retain its popularity, took up a less frustrating, easier to master sport for their exercise.

"All for those ungrateful duffers!"

what an awful duffer I am!"

16 adjectives to describe  duffer