6 adjectives to describe kissings

Some of these plays I heartily disliked, especially when there was romping and promiscuous kissing.

Where we shall only tantalize each other with dull kissing, and part with the same Appetite we metNo, Madam; besides, I have business L. Ful.

There were pleasant smiling faces all around, as the four men came over the sloop's side; and although the testimony is silent as to the fact, there might have been some little kissing on the occasion.

" To us, indeed, the perpetual kissing, and twining, and panting of these amorous persons, is rather ludicrous than seductive; and their eternal sobbing and whining, raises no emotion in our bosoms, but those of disgust and contempt.

Plain kissing was more in her wayas I have been told.

When at last Mrs. Chaffery, after a violent and tearful kissing and blessing of them boththey were "good dear children," she saidhad departed, Mr. and Mrs. Lewisham returned into their sitting-room.

6 adjectives to describe  kissings