16 adjectives to describe ligament

(Anterior view.) A, hyoid bone; B, thyro-hyoid membrane; C, thyroid cartilage; D, erico-thyroid membrane; E, cricoid cartilage, lateral ligaments seen on each side; F, upper ring of the trachea.

(Showing its internal structure) A, tendon of the semi-membranosus muscle cut across; B, F, tendon of same muscle; C, internal condyle of femur; D, posterior crucial ligament; E, internal interarticular fibro cartilage; G, bursa under knee-cap; H, ligament of knee-cap; K, fatty mass under knee-cap; L, anterior crucial ligament cut across; P, patella, or knee-cap ]

The Anterior Border possesses above a small transversely elongated facet for articulation with the os pedis, and below a more extensive grooved portion, perforated by numerous foraminæ, affording attachment to the interosseous ligaments of the articulation.

With the exception of the navicular, it is attached to all the bones of the foot, and is covered internally by the capsular ligaments of the joints over which it passes, those with which we are concerned being the pastern joint and the pedal joint.

It is reinforced at the lower end of the radius by the superior carpal ligament, passes through the carpal and metacarpo-phalangeal sheaths, and, arriving behind the fetlock, forms a ring for the passage of the flexor perforans.

Should pain unfortunately continue, the discharge remain, and a state of fever reveal itself, then it may be understood that the suppurative process has not been checked, that a portion of necrosed ligament, cartilage, or bone still remains, which, surrounded as it is by pus organisms and putrefactive germs, is sufficient to excite a constant irritation and maintain the internal structures in a state of infection.

The arch of the foot has given way; the plantar ligaments have become stretched and the deep calf muscles weakened.

The knee-cap, for instance, which really belongs to the thigh, is attached to it by muscle, but to the shin-bone by a stout ligament.

On hard snow you get many a bump and scratch, but the results are less lasting than a torn ligament.

In front of the joint the extensor pedis plays the part of an additional ligament.

It is difficult, for instance, to separate the two bones in a shoulder or leg of mutton, they are so firmly held together by tough ligaments.

They are kept in their proper relative position by strong pulleys formed by the annular ligament.

The anterior ligament of the fetlock-joint was thickened; the navicular bone was entire, but showed lesions of navicular disease, being ulcerated.

(Showing its internal structure) A, tendon of the semi-membranosus muscle cut across; B, F, tendon of same muscle; C, internal condyle of femur; D, posterior crucial ligament; E, internal interarticular fibro cartilage; G, bursa under knee-cap; H, ligament of knee-cap; K, fatty mass under knee-cap; L, anterior crucial ligament cut across; P, patella, or knee-cap ]

The cord is suspended and kept in position in the canal by delicate ligaments at regular intervals between the inner and outer membranes.

At the knee joint, for instance, there are no less than fifteen distinct ligaments.

16 adjectives to describe  ligament