9 adjectives to describe obelisk

Then he pointed to the tomb and the rude obelisk.

Going directly down the Borgo Vecchio, towards it, it seemed a long time before we arrived at the square of St. Peter's; when at length we stood in front with the majestic colonnade sweeping aroundthe fountains on each side sending up their showers of silvery spraythe mighty obelisk of Egyptian granite piercing the skyand beyond, the great front and dome of the Cathedral, I confessed my unmingled admiration.

" "If the artists are so rich," replied Charlotte, "then tell me how it is that they are never able to escape from little obelisks, dwarf pillars, and urns for ashes?

A lofty obelisk marks the resting place of one of the noblest of men and one of the bravest and ablest of soldiers.

Waiting in the middle of a broad avenue of misshapen obelisks, a dilapidated barouche with a low body sagging the lower for debilitated springs, on either side its pole drooped two sorry specimens of crowbait.

There was the tomb itselfan earth grave and a rough obelisk without so much as a name or a date upon it set up at its head by some past Resident at Kohara.

In a meadow, near Vienne, stands a curious Roman obelisk, seventy-six feet in height.

The tall granite obelisk comes into view far away on the left, its bevelled capstone sharp against the sky; the lofty chimneys of Charlestown and East Cambridge flaunt their smoky banners up in the thin air; and now one fair bosom of the three-hilled city, with its dome-crowned summit, reveals itself, as when many-breasted Ephesian Artemis appeared with half-open chlamys before her worshippers.

Behind us Mont Cervin gathered the clouds more thickly round him, until finally his grand obelisk was totally hidden.

9 adjectives to describe  obelisk