118 adverbs to describe how to digest


The seaside supplies him with sand and water, stones, shells, rock pools, seaweed, and he asks us for nothing but a spade, which digs deeper than his naked hands, and a pail to carry water, which hands alone cannot convey.

Eggs furnish a convenient and concentrated food, and if properly cooked are readily digested.

" Mr. Connors dug deep.

Humility sinks of its own weight, and in the lowest deep, digs lower.

I want you to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest.

" He points to a trench freshly dug, into which the earth has just been shovelled.

Ambuscades, barricades in the streets, loopholes cut in the cemetery walls, trenches hastily dug and filled with dead, night fighting, often hand to hand, surprises, the sudden flash of bayonets, a rain of iron, a rain of fire, mills and houses burning like torchesfields red with the dead and with the flaming corn fruit of the fields, and flower of the race!the sacrifice consummated, the cup drunk to the lees.

Teuton, Gaul and Anglo-Saxon, Turco and Hindu, literally "dug themselves in," and refused to budge an inch, though hell itself, in all its horror and its fury, was loosed against them.

There was no sign of life among the grass-grown cliffs, save where Columbus some little distance away was digging industriously at the root of a small bush.

And fiercely we dig the fountain, To know the water true;

I had found a quantity of bones in a newly-dug gravel-pit, and fully believing that they belonged to some animal that flourished before the flood, I carried them twelve miles with infinite labour and suffering, and then learned that they were part of the anatomy of a very modern cow.

Cease, too, this crawling upon your belly before the images of dukes and carls and lord chief-justices; digest speedily the wine and biscuits which a gentleman has brought to you in his library, and let them pass away out of your memory.

He was going to dig when he heard a crow say in the air: "Dig beneath; you will sing when God has made you rich.

Two-thirds of it had been dug over by the snouts of his pigs, quite as effectually as he could have done it, in his vigour, with the spade.

Well wrapped, you have made arctic explorations to the stable, the chicken-yard and the pig-pen; you have dug your way energetically to the front gate, stopping every few minutes to beat your arms around your shoulders and watch the white plume of your breath in the still

In reflecting upon this circumstance, Ganymede conceived the design of secretly digging a canal, so as to turn the waters of the sea by means of it into these aqueducts.

Near the extremity of the lake was another small coffee-house, with a burial-ground and a mosque near it; and about four or five miles beyond I passed a spot, to which several Turks brought a coffinless corpse, and laid it on the grass while they silently dug a grave to receive it.

In an abandon he leaned far forward over his saddle, the rowel of his spur dug viciously into his horse's flank.

MATTHEWS, GEORGE B. Cumulative index-digest.

These cells combine the carbon and the soil water into chemical mixtures which are partially digested when they reach the crown of the tree.

He thought the sand would dig easier, and laziness guided every act of his life.

The Wesleyans couldn't see the wisdom of such meetings nor the fun of such preaching: probably they thought that people could get as much good as they would reasonably digest in regular chapel gatherings, and that it was quite enough to hear women talk at home without extending the business to pulpits.

One time de vimes picked up a bit, en Mars Dugal' 'lowed dey wuz gwine ter come out ag'in; but dat Yankee done dug too close under de roots, en prune de branches too close ter de vime, en all dat lime en ashes done burn' de life out'n de vimes, en dey des kep' a-with'in' en a-swivelin'.

Each play is preceded by an Introduction, remarkably well digested and condensed, giving an account of the text, and of the sources from which Shakspeare helped himself to plots or incidents.

118 adverbs to describe how to  digest  - Adverbs for  digest