10 adverbs to describe how to folk

" Then quickly she turned again, and went to her roomtheir roomwhere she seated herself at the window, and pressed her hand against her heart which hurt with a new, strange, unfamiliar pain, a pain that she could not have shown "afore folks.

None er dese yer young folks ain' got de trainin' my ole mist'ess give me.

Already those dear folks downstairs were beginning to seem like ghosts, she and Alan the only real people.

They were homely folk, thrust up suddenly into high position, but it did not turn their heads.

Go for the swell-fronts and south-exposure houses; the folks inside are just as good as other people, and the pleasantest, on the whole, to take care of.

The best thing I can do is to tell you to go there," pointing to a large white house, standing by itself, "they're kind folks.

some folks good no matter what dey color, other folks bad.

But dew yew know, gals, folks outside even go so fur's ter say that yew throw plates at one another!

Folks got to take it easy at first; 'specially wimmin-folk.

yes, yes, it is very good of you to take care of those poor old folks upstairs."

10 adverbs to describe how to  folk  - Adverbs for  folk