3 Words to use with coupe

He reported that even the women and children were armed, that the great majority were drunk; that they were beguiling the way with the most ferocious threats, and that they had been joined by a gang of men who gave themselves the name of "Coupe-têtes," and boasted that they should have ample opportunity of proving their title to it.

Le jour venu, il s'y rend avec un corps d'infanterie qui entoure les deux champions; puis il appelle l'exécuteur des hautes-oeuvres, et lui dit: "Ces deux hommes vont se battre; dès qu'il y en aura un de tué, coupe devant moi la tête à l'autre.

The coupe-file did no good, as every one had one.

3 Words to use with  coupe