14 Words to use with fowles

60 Behold the fowle reproach and open shame The which is day by day unto us wrought

And thanne alle his frendes maken hire avaunt and hire dalyance, how the fowles comen thider, here 5, here 6, here 10, and there 20, and so forthe: and thei rejoyssen hem hugely for to speke there of.

The sacred springs of horsefoot Helicon, So oft bedeawed with our learned layes, And speaking streames of pure Castalion, The famous witnesse of our wonted praise, They trampled have with their fowle footings trade*, And like to troubled puddles have them made.

You that feele The horrour of fowle guilt in your falce bosom Confes yourself soe; my strong Inocence To the death stands constant.

What a fowle knave and fairie!

For our trade Shees out at that: neather promises, rewards, Example or Intreaty, fayre, fowle meanes, Gaine present or the hope of future goodd, Can force from her a presens; then much lesse A frendly prostitution.

No punishment Due to a cryme of that fowle nature? Cap.

Let theis new Companies March by us through the Market, so to the Guard house, And there disarme;wee'll teach ye true obedience; Then let 'em quitt the Towne, hansom swag fellowes And fitt for fowle play.

You already, In free confession of your fault, have made A part of satisfaction; goe on in it, And you shall find a faire discovery Of youre fowle purposes and th'agents in 'em Will wyn more favour from theyr lordships to you

Even fires of fowle rebellion, I must tell ye; The bellowes to it, Religion.

they say they weare fowle smockes, and course smockes; I say they lie, and I will die int.

Examine all men Branded with such fowle syns as you now dye for, And you shall find their first stepp still Religion.

Whome chieflie to satisfie, or els to avoide that fowle blot of unthankefulnesse, I have conceived this small Poeme, intituled by a generall name of The Worlds Ruines; yet speciallie intended to the renowming of that noble race from which both you and he sprong, and to the eternizing of some of the chiefe of them late deceased.

That if Earle Lassingbergh this day refuse To make faire mends for this fowle trespasse done, I will revenge me on his treacherous heart Though I sustaine for him a thousand deaths.

14 Words to use with  fowles