5 Words to use with terrain

C. [101] Apud Camarines quoque terrain eodem die quator decies contremuisse, fide dignis testimoniis renuntiatum est: multa interim aedificia diruta.

"I'm more of an all-terrain guy.

C'est à raison de cette égalité de terrain que, quand on y laboure, on fait des sillons d'une telle longueur que c'est une merveille à voir.

a penser que les gres ferrugineux de ces contrees appartiennent au systeme des terrains tertiaires.

Led by Alexander Kerensky, the revolutionary minister of war, and observed by American army officers, they forced the Teutons to evacuate Brzezany, and then captured many important positions, including terrain west and south of Halicz and strongly-defended positions northwest of Stanislau.

5 Words to use with  terrain