33 collocations for beheaded

But the knight was a powerful man, and throwing Arthur off he hurled him to the ground, struck off his helm and raised his sword to behead the king.

But the revolutionists showed forbearance; and instead of beheading Charles, as they might have done, they let him go, and punished the ministers by imprisonment only.

In vain Berchther warned him that the emperor had the unpleasant habit of beheading all his daughter's would-be suitors; Rother declared that he must make an attempt to secure this peerless bride, and was only with great difficulty persuaded to resign the idea of wooing in person.

We know the rest; how, at the request of Herodias' daughter, Herod sent and beheaded John in prison, and how she took his head in a charger and brought it to her mother.

Fortunately remembering that she saw her father beheading chickens the night before, which guaranteed a substantial meal, she decided it was an absolute duty.

As frequently happens, however, in such deeds of sudden violence, these hasty and lawless avengers found afterward that they had made a mistake, and beheaded the wrong man.

So they fixed a night for the elopement and on that night when Lita was asleep his wife quietly drew the ring off his finger and went out to her lover who was waiting outside and told him to get a goat from the pen; then they beheaded the goat and went inside and poured all its blood on the ground under the bed on which Lita was sleeping, and then having hid the body and head of the goat, they ran away.

Hu and his relations controlled the country after 1370, until in 1380 Chu succeeded in beheading Hu and exterminating his clique.

In the commencement of the seventh century, the French king, Clotaire II., exterminated the chief part of the Saxons of Hanover and Westphalia; and the historians of those barbarous times unanimously relate that he caused to be beheaded every inhabitant of the vanquished tribes who exceeded the height of his sword.

Besides one of the blocks upor which were beheaded both the innocent and the guilty in former times, there are also on exhibition the Collar of Torture, 14 pounds in weight, the Thumb-screw, the Stocks, &c., a collection of instruments of torture well calculated to restore in the mind of the beholder, a vivid picture of the dark and wretched past, when man's greatest and most dangerous enemy was his brother.

After a time the Potter looked out and said that the fire was over; he then stationed himself at the mouth of the hole and as the jackals came out he cut off their heads with a knife; in this away he beheaded twenty-three jackals; but the last jackal saw what was happening and dodged the knife and escaped.

But, for all this, he would in no wise do sacrifice, wherefore he was sent in to prison, and the king did do behead the other knights that he had sent for him, whom he had converted.

We have beheaded one monarch, exiled three generations of kings merely to have a dictator, 'mal , mal fait, et mal élevé.'

Colonists were now empowered to take and behead any natives whom they found marauding, or whom they even suspected of any such intention.

And when the canaille roturière took the liberty of beheading that high noblesse, it was done less to inherit their property than their ancestry, and to introduce a noble equality in place of a vulgar inequality.

And they then opened the prison and let them all go out that would go, wherefore, after the passion of the apostles, Paulin, when he knew that they were Christian, beheaded both Processe and Martinian.

That Queen Elizabeth died the same day and month that she resolved, in her Privy Council, to behead the Queen of Scots. 4.

Then Nero commanded to his brother to smite off his head, and when he supposed to have beheaded Simon, he beheaded a ram.

He beheaded more than seventy who were convicted of treason, and ordered their foods to be confiscated to the Roman state; and then committing the government to the senate, set out with all his forces, and, pitching a camp, took up a position above Suessula.

Then Nero commanded to his brother to smite off his head, and when he supposed to have beheaded Simon, he beheaded a ram.

He said that our bombardment had killed three officers and twenty men, and that they had beheaded the soldiers who fired at us!

I have somewhere read of a Persian king who beheaded his subjects for the most trivial or imaginary offenses.

Jemshíd thus rejoined: "Unjustly am I brought in chains before thee, Betrayed, insultedthou the cause of all, And yet thou wouldst appear to feel my wrongs!" Incensed at this defiance, mixed with scorn, Fiercely Zohák replied, "Then choose thy death; Shall I behead thee, stab thee, or impale thee, Or with an arrow's point transfix thy heart!

He might keep them prisonersthat would be difficult; or he might summarily behead themand that would be easy.

to behead his wives; and such a crime would have been excused as readily as the execution of Somerset or of the Lady Jane Grey, both from political necessity and religious expediency.

33 collocations for  beheaded