7 collocations for overstayed

He was overstaying the time he had expected to spend here, and he felt nervous about it.


Jack was suddenly reminded that it must be very late and he had far overstayed the retiring hour of the desert, where the Eternal Painter commands early rising.

Finally, when I brought our tête-à-tête to a close (taking good care not to overstay my welcome)

I would stay here and watch with ye, but that I've overstayed me time alriddy, and I'll catch thunder whin I git back home, 'cause I can't make the boss belave the raison why I staid.

It seems that numbers of men were employed by the County or perhaps by the slaveowners themselves whose duty it was to patrol the community and be on constant watch for such Negroes who attempted to escape their bondage or overstayed the time limit noted on their "pass".

"But to-day it is a belated ghost that has overstayed the cock-crow.

7 collocations for  overstayed