30 collocations for subsides

" For an hour terrible confusion reigned, then the panic subsided a little, and such of the carriages as were whole were made ready to carry away as many as possible; the rest must wait till a return train could be sent for them.

" The glow, which had begun to subside on the face of la belle Barbérie, again deepened, and for a moment it appeared as if her high self-dependence was a little weakened.

Whereupon he subsided: "Darned old boots!

Before the noise had subsided the door opened, and two or three men pushed their way into the already overcrowded room.

Yet nothing came to explain that Kincaid's detention up-town was his fond cousin's contriving, and Sumter's story was at its end when all started at once and then subsided with relief as first the drums and then the bugles soundedno alarm, but only, drowsily, "taps," as if to say to Callender House as well as to the camp, "Go to slee-eep ... Go to slee-eep ...

That when the tumult had subsided the fathers should be called again to the senate-house, and deliberate on the defence of the city.

When they were once safely lodged in their new residence, the tumult of unpacking the carriages had subsided, and the ceaseless tongue of Pauncefort had in some degree refrained from its wearying and worrying chatter, a feeling of loneliness, after all this agitation and excitement, simultaneously came over the feelings of both mother and daughter, though they alike repressed its expression.

When this bustle had subsided, the finding and the sentence were read by Blenkin and duly translated by the interpreter.

Adelung says, that civilization began in Asia, as is, indeed, universally admitted to have been the case; and that when the waters of the flood subsided, the highest ground, we may naturally conclude, must have been the earliest inhabited.

'The fury of housewifery will soon subside,' iv. 85, n. 2. HUGGED.

'The fury of housewifery will soon subside,' iv. 85, n. 2. HUGGED.

When it subsided the judge thrust aside his papers and asked for evidence as to Karim's identity, which was soon forthcoming on oath.

As the excitement subsided the major said, simply, "We were married yesterday at Montreaux.

And as the storms subsided men perceived that everywhere the days were hotter than of yore, and the sun larger, and the moon, shrunk to a third of its former size, took now fourscore days between its new and new.

After the first excitement of religious belief and military renown had subsided, the minds of those who went later to these outlying possessions, consisting generally as they did of the very dregs of the nation, were seized with an intense feeling of selfishness; and frauds and speculations were the natural sequence.

His mother sat up; the raging of the storm subsided a moment.

As soon as the cheers subsided Professor Morse was approached by the committee of reception and welcomed to the country of his birth and to the home of his adoption.

This blew what appeared to be but a spark into an angry blaze, and a duel was momentarily expected; but their warlike propensities subsided into a newspaper combat, which was kept up for several weeks, each party supposing they had the advantage of their adversary.

When his smarting began to subside his passion cooled a little, yet he felt wicked; and, rolling on the floor, vowed he would kill his stepfather.

This bank, which ran parallel to the coast, was narrow, subsiding into a valley three quarters of a mile wide, on the opposite side of which rose a hummocky ridge of coarse ferruginous sandstone formation.

But as was usual at that hour of the day the city appeared tranquil, for though a slight alarm had passed through the canals at the movement of the rioters, it had subsided in that specious and distrustful quiet, which is more or less the unavoidable consequence of a system that is not substantially based on the willing support of the mass.

After the first ebullitions of rage have subsided, his love returns; but he is never able to succeed in obtaining an interview with Veenah.

So the Bohunks crawled unhappily back into the car and subsided shivering and with tears in their eyes.

But when the seventh day broke, subsided the storm, and the flood ASSYRIAN CLAY TABLET, Containing a part of the story of the flood, from the library of Assurbanipal.

Delafield thought it could not absorb many more Negroes, but before the exodus movement subsided the stragglers who had turned aside at Delafield had more than doubled the Negro population of the town.

30 collocations for  subsides