9 collocations for wass

he wass Cristen.

If there wass a thousand inns at Albany you und Robert und Tayoga could not stop at one uf them.

"It wass the lady who hass saved you.

"All right; what is it?" "Wass monsieur serious in hees command t'at I exclude t'e Prince of Zeit-Zeit?" "Never more serious in my life.

"Mah frang," he said to his table companion, "wass you sink of a mane w'at hask-a one neegrow to 'ave-a one shair wiz 'im, eh?in ze sem room?"

"For t'at, also, I wass prepared, my tear Monsieur Rushford," he said.

"She wass a teufel!

She wass a widowunt besides she had a leetle pâtisserie which her man had left her.

"Do you remember, Tayoga, how wild you wass when you came here to learn the good ways und bad ways uf the white people?"

9 collocations for  wass