8 examples of assegais in sentences

"She'll teach you to dance and shy assegais.

" They sat there while Rupert practisedtill he started shying the assegais, that isand then they went out and left 'im with Kumbo.

she 'ad grabbed up a bit o' dirty blanket, a bundle of assegais, and a spear, and come out arter us.

o' the window, and most of the assegais sticking into me.

The walls were decorated with all sorts and conditions of strange and barbarous instruments of slaughter; Zulu assegais, Afghan knives and Burmese swords hung in savage array.

There was a battalion of Red Indians, Negroes, Esquimaux, Ballet Girls, Angels, Sweeps, Romans, Sailors, Pierrots, Savages, Bogeymen, Ancient Britons, Bishops, Zulus, Pantaloons, Beef-eaters, Tramps, Life-Guards, Washerwomen, Ghosts, Clowns and God-knows-what, armed with jezails, umbrellas, brooms, catapults, pikes, brickbats, kukeries, pokers, clubs, axes, horse-pistols, bottles, dead fowls, polo-sticks, assegais and bombs.

These are objects of use, not ornament; so are the relics from the fields of France in 1871, and the assegais and spears and little sharp wooden maces from Zululand.

Her headlight showed at last, an immense distance off; the economic electrics were turned up, the ghosts vanished, the dragomans of the various steamers flowed forward in beautiful garments to meet their passengers who had booked passages in the Cook boats, and the Khartoum train decanted a joyous collection of folk, all decorated with horns, hoofs, skins, hides, knives, and assegais, which they had been buying at Omdurman.

8 examples of  assegais  in sentences