12 examples of aureate in sentences

For no one whom Rudolph Musgrave had ever encountered in the flesh had been really and profoundly wicked, Rudolph Musgrave considered; and so, he always gravely estimated this-or-that acquaintance, after death, to be "better off, poor fellow"as the colonel phrased it, with a tinge of self-contradictioneven if he actually refrained in fancy from endowing the deceased with aureate harps and crowns and footgear.

The beautiful hair had no one of its aureate threads out of place.

The Decay of Classical Rhetorical Tradition 2. Rhetoric as Aureate Language VI. Logic and Rhetoric in the English Renaissance 1.

2. Rhetoric as Aureate Language As to the late middle ages rhetoric had come to mean to all intents nothing more than style, it is frequently personified in picturesque mediaeval allegory, never as being engaged in any useful occupation, but as adding beauty, color, or charm to life.

If Lydgate or Hawes had believed that rhetoric included more than aureate language, surely the scope of their treatises would have afforded them opportunity to correct this impression.

This perversion of rhetoric which considered it as concerned only with style, or aureate language, was not restricted to the school books.

The influence of Bacon in favor of the sound rhetoric of Cicero and Quintilian, seconded by that of Jonson, finally did away with the mediaeval ideal of rhetoric as being one with aureate language and embroidered style.

" And those who husbanded the Golden grain, And those who flung it to the winds like Rain, Alike to no such aureate Earth are turn'd As, buried once, Men want dug up again.

Adj. yellow, aureate, golden, flavous^, citrine, fallow; fulvous^, fulvid^; sallow, luteous^, tawny, creamy, sandy; xanthic^, xanthous^; jaundiced^, auricomous^. gold-colored, citron-colored, saffron-colored, lemon-colored, lemon yellow, sulphur-colored, amber-colored, straw-colored, primrose- colored, creamcolored; xanthocarpous^, xanthochroid^, xanthopous^. yellow as a quince, yellow as a guinea, yellow as a crow's foot.

One Sunday morning an enterprising huckster of gimcrack jewellery, venturing out from Paris, had set down his strong box on the verge of the market square, and, displaying to the admiring eyes of the country folks, ladies' and gentlemen's watches with chains complete, in the most dazzling of aureate metal, sold them at six sous apiece as quickly as he could hand them out.

The aureate shimmer on the sky kept steadily increasing, from a point somewhat to the left of Nissr's line of flight.

Through their aureate glimmer, dazzling in the direct rays of the sun now well past its meridian, a glimpse of a flashing river instantaneously impressed itself on the Master's sight, with cascading rapids among palm-groves, as it foamed from beneath the city walls.

12 examples of  aureate  in sentences