29 examples of briand in sentences

The first is a statement by Briand to the United States Ambassador, in the name of all the other Allies, dated December 30, 1916.

Briand speaks in the name of all "les gouvernements alliés unis pour la défense et la liberté des peuples.

" Briand's second declaration, dated January 10, 1917, is even more fundamentally important.

On January 10, 1917, Briand, speaking in the name of all the Allies, united at that time pour la défense et la liberté des peuples, put forward as a fundamental programme the restoration of Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro: Montenegro was in this on an equality with Belgium.

France followed suit in reorganizing her war council under Premier Briand, also restricting the number of members to five, and General Joffre was succeeded in command of the armies of the north and the northeast by General Nivelle, commander of the French troops at Verdun, where notable victories were gained by the French in December, regaining almost all the ground lost during the previous operations of the year.

It asks for those ladies and their chauffeur, Briand, a safe-conduct through the French military lines.

If they should take Briand in the act, should they have even the least doubt concerning him, you must repudiate him entirely.

" "Your first orders," said the woman, "were to tell them Briand had been long in my service; that I brought him from my home in Laon.

"From now," she warned, "we speak French, we think French, we are French!" Anfossi, or Briand, as now he called himself, addressed her in that language.

Briand protested vehemently.

But toward Briand, the chauffeur, the new arrivals were less easily satisfied.

When the adjutant had closed the door General Andre began abruptly: "The chauffeur Briand," he asked, "you know him; you can vouch for him?"

"Briand was so long in the Foreign Legion in Algiers," she explained, "where my husband found him, that we have come to think of him as French.

The rooms of the servants were under the roof, and that Briand should sleep in one of them was natural.

I saw Briand with his back to me seated by an instrument.

Still in a tone of incredulity, he demanded: "When did you see this?" Marie knew the question was coming, knew she must explain how she saw Briand, and yet did not see the staff officer who, with his prisoner, might now at any instant appear.

They seized young Briand yesterday.

What I like least about our ready author is his fatuous little jokes, such as "Noli remained a sovereign republic for centuries ... had her own bishopric (hence the phrase 'Noli episcopari')"; or, "Briand came to Rome the other day with much brio."

This year the play was to be a translation of Briand's four-act drama, "Marie Latour."

By Charles Briand.

By Charles Briand.

On Thursday Poincaré passed over our hill, with Briand, en route to meet Joffre at the General's bedside.

In the morning, the soldiers began to drop in, to bring back books and get more, to talk a little politics, for even the destruction of the Zeppelin at Compiègne, and the news that the English were at Bapaume, was a bit damped by the untimely fall of Briand.

Peace advocates mobilized wide public support for the "no more war" movement that developed during the closing months of the 1914-18 war; for the Briand-Kellogg Treaty of 1928 which renounced war as an instrument of policy; for the effort to secure general disarmament that resulted in the General Disarmament Conference of 1933 and for the United Nations Charter of 1945.

General peace treaties were signed like the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1928 and the United Nations Charter.

29 examples of  briand  in sentences