272 examples of cauliflowers in sentences

Turbot p. 175 Turkey 1005 Veal 854 breast of 912 fillet of 914 knuckle of 915 loin of 916 Venison, haunch of 1061 Widgeon 1068 Woodcock 1062 Cauliflower, description of the 1105 Properties of the 1151 Cauliflowers, à la sauce blanche 1105

Mixed pickles may also be now made, and it will be found a good plan to have ready a jar of pickle-juice (for the making of which all information will be given in future pages), into which to put occasionally some young French beans, cauliflowers, &c.

Send to table with it some of the sauce in a tureen, and boiled cauliflowers or spinach, with whichever vegetable the dish is garnished.

Serve with mint sauce and a fresh salad, and for vegetables send peas, spinach, or cauliflowers to table with it.

Serve with mint sauce and a fresh salad, and send to table with it, either peas, cauliflowers, or spinach.

Peas, spinach, or cauliflowers are the usual vegetables served with lamb, and also a fresh salad.

Garnish the dish with bunches of boiled cauliflowers or brocoli, and serve very hot.

Choose cauliflowers that are close and white; trim off the decayed outside leaves, and cut the stalk off flat at the bottom.

Open the flower a little in places to remove the insects, which generally are found about the stalk, and let the cauliflowers lie in salt and water for an hour previous to dressing them, with their heads downwards: this will effectually draw out all the vermin.

The water should be well skimmed; and, when the cauliflowers are tender, take them up with a slice; let them drain, and, if large enough, place them upright in the dish.

INGREDIENTS.3 cauliflowers, 1/2 pint of sauce blanche, or French melted butter, No. 378; 3 oz. of butter; salt and water.

Average cost,large cauliflowers, in full season, 6d.

INGREDIENTS.2 or 3 cauliflowers, rather more than 1/2 pint of white sauce No. 378, 2 tablespoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese, 2 oz. of fresh butter, 3 tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs.

Have ready the above proportion of white sauce; pour sufficient of it over the cauliflowers just to cover the top; sprinkle over this some rasped Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs, and drop on these the butter, which should be melted, but not oiled.

3. Cauliflowers and white sauce instead of pudding. 2049.

2. Roast fillet of veal, boiled bacon-cheek garnished with tufts of cauliflowers, French beans and potatoes.

Broiled Ham, garnished with Cauliflowers.

I will conclude with a few remarks about preparing greens, cauliflowers, etc.

I have cauliflowers sprouting at my heels!

Of the vegetable-garden, which lies adjacent, the lion's share is appropriated to the Master, and twelve small, separate patches to the individual brethren, who cultivate them at their own judgment and by their own labor; and their beans and cauliflowers have a better flavor, I doubt not, than if they had received them directly from the dead hand of the Earl of Leicester, like the rest of their food.

Cabbages, cauliflowers, turnips, and celery appropriate a large share of the sulphur.

The pleasure afforded by performances of this sort, is very much akin to that which may be derived from the exhibition of a harlequin farce; where, instead of just imitations of nature and human character, we are entertained with the transformation of cauliflowers and beer-barrels, the apparition of ghosts and devils, and all the other magic of the wooden sword.

A correspondent of the Gardener's Magazine states, that after in vain trying salt, lime, and dibbling holes for preserving young cauliflowers and cabbages from slugs, he succeeded by spreading some well cut chaff round the plants under hand glasses, and some round the outsides of the glasses.

There were trees, bushes, and plants of yellow and white coral, of scarlet corallins, dahlias and roses, cabbages and cauliflowers simulated perfectly, lilies and heaps of precious stones.

I'm gwine to get yer as shore as punkins ain't cauliflowers!" He turned and flung a measuring glance at the sun poised above him in the azure of the cloudless sky.

272 examples of  cauliflowers  in sentences