59 examples of digital in sentences

Thus there is the bear's-foot, from its digital leaf, the bear-berry, or bear's-bilberry, from its fruit being a favourite food of bears, and the bear's-garlick.

These differences are less marked in some of the smaller arctoids, which may have as few as thirty-two teeth, and come very near to dogs in the extent of the digital surface which rests upon the ground in walking.

[digital recording media] compact disk; floppy disk, diskette; hard disk, Winchester disk; read-only memory, ROM; write once read mostly memory, WORM.

And this knowledge extends, by allegory and experience, to areas far beyond digital culture, to the broader challenges of our time.

The exchange of the Work for other copyrighted works by means of digital file-sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation, provided there is no payment of any monetary compensation in connection with the exchange of copyrighted works.

Brewster Kahle's Internet Bookmobile can convert a digital book into a four-color, full-bleed, perfect-bound, laminated-cover, printed-spine paper book in ten minutes, for about a dollar.

Before the dust settles on this ebook thing, owning a paper book is going to feel less like ownership than having an open digital edition of the text.

We also like to think of physical books as being inherently *countable* in a way that digital books aren't (an irony, since computers are damned good at counting things!).

This writer alleged that AOL should have a duty to remove this newsgroup, since it carried so many infringing files, and that its failure to do so made it a contributory infringer, and so liable for the incredibly stiff penalties afforded by our newly minted copyright laws like the No Electronic Theft Act and the loathsome Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DMCA.

The instruments which I have devised as substitutes for the primitive procedure of digital compression of the carotids have already been described in former communications.

Chapter 21: From journalist... to publisher Niraj NaikNiraj Naik, known for his coverage of rural and remote Goa in the 'nineties, is today publisher and editor of the Digital Goa.

It was appropriately named Digital Goa, to encompass not only computer specific issues but the whole gamut of information technology even beyond computers.

This is the role especially of the niche magazines, and it is the secret behind Digital Goa.

The first issue of Digital Goa rolled out in the first week of April after a three months of running around.

One got the feeling that people were scared that with their single subscription I may get rich or Digital Goa could overnight grow into a big publication.

Most of my energies still goes into Digital Goa, though today it has grown into a professional, self-sustaining magazine.

There is no dearth of advertisement and, most importantly, our advertisers do not part with their ads as a measure of their generosity, but rather on account of the mileage they get in advertising in Digital Goa.

This, for us, is the biggest recognition that Digital Goa is treated as a professional periodical.

My preoccupation with the Digital Goa magazine has made me neglect the other projects of Aparant Infomedia.

He had a digital copy of much of the layout of the asteroid, and information on the power plants, propulsion structures, and sheathing equipment.

Proceedings of a Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machinery, jointly sponsored by the Navy Department Bureau of Ordinance and Harvard University at the Computation Laboratory, January 7-10, 1947.

The ArmsInflections of the ForearmOf the ElbowOf the WristOf the Hand: The Digital Face, The Back Face, The Palmar FaceOf the FingersOf the Legs.

Let us now examine the three presentations of an open hand: its palmar, dorsal and digital aspect.

If we present the digital extremity, it is as if we said: "I have seen, I have weighed, I have numbered the thing, I understand it from certain knowledge; it is admirable, and I declare it so."

These are the three aspects: the palmar, dorsal and digital.

59 examples of  digital  in sentences