2438 examples of looked back in sentences

Perhaps these days of peaceful intercourse, and growing, but unacknowledged, affection, were among the happiest of Edith's checkered life: certain it is that, in after days of trial and difficulty, she looked back upon them as on some green and sunny spot in the varied field of memory.

"You are just in time," she said, looking up at him, and he looked back at her rather vacantly; for Ida had been in his arms too recently, for his mind, his whole being, to be sufficiently clear of her to permit him to take any interest in anything else "for tea," she said.

We only met a few solitary workmen, who looked back when we had passed, and stopped behind us with an air of astonishment.

But when they had gone some distance, Bellew looked back, and then he saw that Anthea walked with her head averted, yet Cassilis walked close beside her, and stooped, now and then, until the black moustache came very near the curlthat curl of wanton witchery that peeped above her ear.

She looked back at him, quivering, and in a great surprise, but she said nothing.

And then, while he looked back hard into the chaplain's eyes, and now, while he splashed through the yellow mud thinking of that Christmas Eve, Buck shook his head; and then, as now, his sullen heart answered: "Mine!"

She looked back once at the water, wrinkled into thin ice on the edge for a foot or two, then open and black and still.

In truth, she would have been a maiden hard to console if the face that looked back at her from the quaint oak leaf and acorn wreath had not comforted her inmost soul, and made her again at peace with herself.

Jot looked back to his sleeping companions and held his breath as one of them stirred uneasily.

Bennington de Laney looked back on his old New York self as on a being infinitely remote.

" Once or twice Squinty looked back toward the pen he had run away from, to see if Bob, his master, were coming after him.

He walked over to the telephone but paused, his hand on the receiver and looked back at Ted.

He looked back.

I was still silent, and when we reached the road again, and the waiting cars, I turned, and looked back, long and sorrowfully, at that tiny hill, and the grave it sheltered.

Their long separation gave occasion for longer conversations; even their old childish foolishness served, now that they had grown wiser, to amuse them as they looked back; and they felt as if at least they were bound to make good their petulant hatred by friendliness and attention to each otheras if their first violent injustice to each other ought not to be left without open acknowledgment.

She never once looked back.

Du Lhut chuckled in his silent way as he looked back at the long orange glare in the sky.

She must have looked back on the pompous and lascivious pages of Eliza Haywood, with their long-drawn palpitating intrigues, with positive disgust.

And she cried hastily, "A penny, a penny, twopence" But just for a moment she looked back at Morven, and at the man who waited upon Morven alone and hurt.

He said "Good-afternoon" to them, and they saw as they looked back, that he kept on with his bending and rising and examination.

He looked back and saw her swing off the high road and go up Karva.

But on the steps he stopped and looked back affectionately at the library window.

I looked back often, and the farther out on the plain we rode the higher loomed the plateau we had descended; and as I faced ahead again, the lower sank the red-domed and castled horizon to the fore.

He looked back for a moment.

She never looked back for one second after that embrace, she never doubted herself or him or the supreme importance of love itself; but the rest of herher tenderness, her fidelity, her loyalty, her self-respectthis was all tortured now by the things that she seemed compelled to do.

2438 examples of  looked back  in sentences