152 examples of meare in sentences

Marry, first and foremost, there will be an honest Dutch cobbler, that will sing I will noe meare to Burgaine go, the best that ever you heard.

60 Where those great warriors, which did overcome The world with conquest of their might and maine, And made one meare* of th'earth and of their raine?

[* Meare, boundary.]

I neare did good for any but great Charles, And the meare doing that hath still brought fourth To me some plague too heavye to be borne, But that I am reserud onlye to teach The studyed envye of mallignant starrs.

When first I sawe thee (Though but with a meare cursorye aspecte)

And were the way to my successyon free As when I lefte the courte, yet gaynst all sence And possybyllitie somethynge suer woulde sprynge From my meare fate to make another kynge: So, torrent-like, my fortune ruynes all My rights of byrthe and nature.

I neare did good for any but great Charles, And the meare doing that hath still brought forth To me some plague too heavye to be borne, But that I am reservd onlye to teach The studyed envye of mallignant starrs.

Why, mother, you have seene the course of thyngs, The smale assurance and the certayne deathe, The meare deceytfull scope and shadowed ruyns That are most conynglie knytt up in pleasures; And are you styll to learne or will you trust A lovelye face with all your good beleife?

No meanes unlesse we leape downe from the rockes, And that's meare desperation.

My comfort is not meare imaginary But reall and effectuall.

Downe with these sacraligious silsepaereales [?], these unsanctified Sarlaboyses that woold make a very seralia of the sanctuary, and are meare renegadoes to all religion! Mild.

I see hee that nought venters nothinge gaynes; Hee that will bee awake when others sleepe May sometymes purchase what may give him rest, When other loyterers shalbe forct to ryse Or perish through meare want; as, for example, Although the tempest frighted hence the fishe, I have drag'd some thinge without finne or skale May make mee a good markett.

But understand mee: Itt is meare pitty and no bad intent, No unchast thought but my meare charity In the remembrans of our longe lost child, To showe som love to these distressed maydens.

But understand mee: Itt is meare pitty and no bad intent, No unchast thought but my meare charity In the remembrans of our longe lost child, To showe som love to these distressed maydens.

That which I took to bee meare fantasy I finde nowe to bee real; murder is A cryinge sinne, and canot be conceal'd.

Trying to trap meare you?

You are not vexed with meare you, Syb?" "Vexed, Hal!

These menthose that don't hate meare so scared of their own necks that they wouldn't lift a finger to save a twin brother.

" "Well?" "After all you have said and declaimed, tell meare you going to kill the old woman yourself, or not?" "Of course not.

Amongst the best are Lytescary, Meare (fish house), Martock, Clevedon Court, S. Petherton, Barrington, Brympton, Dodington, etc.

Godney (1-1/2 m. N.E. of Meare, 2 m. N. of Glastonbury) is famous for the remains of a lake village which have been discovered here.

Meare, a village 3-1/2 m. N.W. from Glastonbury (nearest stat.

"But, incorrigible sentimentalist," he went on, "tell meare you, English and moralist and believer in a good and righteous God as you are, are you really going to encourage this abominable adultery, this open, ruthless wrecking of a good man's home?

"But tell meare not the atheists of the present day a better sort of fellows than those we used to hear of when we were young?" "I do think so.

These groupseight in number, if my memory does not deceive meare each composed of two figures; one allegorical, winged, representing the country, or glory; the other, a young man, guided through many trials to victory or immortality.

152 examples of  meare  in sentences