356 examples of output in sentences

"Know last year's output from the mines of Ophir, Thrackles?"

There ain't any gold output, because there ain't any mines, and there never have been.

Everywhere the phenomenon has been observed that, with the highest wages known in the history of modern times, there has been an unmistakable lessening of efficiency, and that with an increase in the number of workers, there has been a decrease in output.

He encouraged the printers to double their output; he munificently assisted such undertakings as the first edition of Homer, edited by the famous scholars Demetrius Chalcondyles and Demetrius Cretensis, as well as other editions of the classics prepared by Poliziano, Marullus, and others.

Without it, rapid and large fluctuations of energy output, and elasticity and flexibility of energy mobilization for any sudden mental or muscular act, let alone an emergency, become impossible.

Thus it supplies a mechanism not only for quantity output of that subtle reality we label energy, but also an apparatus for varying the available amount of it, and for permitting the maximum range in ease and rapidity of its utilization.

In their day Miss Manning's novels had a great vogue, only equalled by her amazing output.

The output of the other sugars is measurable in hundreds or even thousands of pounds, but the output of the sugar of commerce is measured in millions of tons.

The output of the other sugars is measurable in hundreds or even thousands of pounds, but the output of the sugar of commerce is measured in millions of tons.

The output of beet sugar was then only about 200,000 tons, as compared with a present production of approximately 8,000,000 tons.

In many, the output is only for domestic consumption, or in quantity too small to warrant inclusion in the list of sources of commercial supply.

In their total, these three countries supply about two-thirds of the world's total output of cane sugar.

Immediately before the revolution of 1895, its output a little exceeded a million tons.

Since that time, the output has more than doubled.

Some relaxation of the laws regulating production and exportation, made possible an increase to 41,000 tons in 1802, and further relaxation made possible, in 1850, an output somewhat unreliably reported as 223,000 tons.

The total world output in 1875 would not today supply the demand of the United States alone.

Broadly, the output appears to have been practically doubled in the last twenty years, a growth attributed to the new economic conditions, to the extension of transportation facilities that have made possible the opening of new areas to cultivation, and to the investment of capital, largely American capital.

This country, however, takes only about a third of Cuba's cigar output.

The tale thus vouched for contained the assertion that sugar planters found that by the excessive driving of slaves day and night in the grinding season they could so increase their output that "they could afford to sacrifice one set of hands in seven years," and "that this horrible system was now practised to a considerable extent."

In the tumult of realisations it perhaps escapes attention that the prophetic output of new hopes is by no means keeping pace with the crop of consummations.

" Restriction of output!

The extraordinary versatility and fecundity of his genius can be appreciated only by those who have read all, or at least much, of his output.

He was now fully launched on a literary career, and for twenty years or more the story of his life is mainly the story of his literary output.

This moment of widespread loss is the crisis, It is followed by another period of low prices and of small output, and therefore of profits small or negative in many industries.

But it is clear that these rhythmic price changes occurring in the business cycle are not due to the same causes as are the general movements of the price level, due to an increasing or decreasing output of gold or again to a paper money inflation.

356 examples of  output  in sentences