15 examples of patin in sentences

Rue Guy-Patin: No. 3.

You were expecting me, Monsieur Patin?

Marcel remembered immediately the little mountebank, whom he had altogether forgotten, and to whom he had given the address of Monsieur Patin's hotel, where he had expected to stay.

The little Madame Patin, plump, brown, active and pretty, hastened up, indeed, and compelled Marcel to come in, almost in spite of himself.

Before that declaration Monsieur and Madame Patin bowed.

Ah, that is not right, said Madame Patin; Madame de Montluisant is opposing us, she is drawing our clients to her house....

That evening at eight o'clock, he was at Monsieur Patin's, where he found a good fire in a small sitting-room well closed, with the newspapers and a cup of coffee.

Monsieur Patin!

Monsieur Patin, said Marcel, I confide this young person to you, or rather, to Madame Patin here.

Monsieur Patin, said Marcel, I confide this young person to you, or rather, to Madame Patin here.

The learned Dr. Guy Patin says: "On dit que M. de Meziriac avoit corrigé dans son Amyot huit mille fautes, et qu'Amyot n'avoit pas de bons exemplaires, ou qu'il n'avoit pas bien entendu le Grec de Plutarque."[C] [Footnote B: Essays, Book II.

If he knows French, he should add Croiset's 'Histoire de la Littérature Grecque,' and should by all means read M. Patin's volume on Aeschylus in his 'Études sur les Tragique Grècs.'

Compare: "(Madame Patin)

Patin, of whom her maid says: "Mme.

Patin, la veuve d'un honnête partisan, qui a gagné deux millions de bien au service du roi!"

15 examples of  patin  in sentences