1176 examples of reproduced in sentences

By C.F. HOLDER.With 2 engravings How Plants are reproduced.

In theory and practice, the teacher of language to the deaf, by whatever method, endeavors to present to the eye of the child as many completed sentences as are nominally addressed to the earhaving them "caught" by the eye and reproduced with as frequent recurrence as is ordinarily done by the child of normal faculties.


In two previous papers read before this Association I have tried to condense into as small a space as I could the processes of the nutrition and of the growth of plants; in the present paper I want to set before you the broad lines of the methods by which plants are reproduced.

Heads of departments showed her the things they kept in drawers, and she went home and reproduced them with the aid of a two-dollar-a-day seamstress.

The other illustrations are reproduced from drawings made by the author.

As the report of Sir (then Mr.) G.G. Scott in 1856 specifies as desirable the "renewing all the parapets according to the portions of the original which remain," we can only hope (but with no sense of certainty) that these parts are faithfully reproduced.

T. Knight reproduced this comedy as a farce under the title of The Honest Thieves.

His Diary is full of such modest depreciations of himself and his work, interspersed with earnest prayers (too sacred and private to be reproduced here) that God would forgive him the past, and help him to perform His holy will in the future.

It was afterwards reproduced, with some success, in London.

My Dear Mr. McClure: I thank you very much for the portrait of Lincoln you were kind enough to send me, reproduced from an early daguerreotype.

The fading of ordinary photographic prints is no real objection to keeping a register, because they can now be reproduced at small charge in permanent printers' ink, by the autotype and other processes.

There is perhaps no modern book of verse in which a certain melancholy phase of ancient thought is better reproduced than in Ionica, and this gives its slight verses their lasting charm.

But in all other cases the local civil servants, who are already probably as numerous as those of the central government, are appointed under conditions which, if the Government chose to create a Commission of Inquiry, would probably be found to have reproduced many of the evils that existed in the patronage of the central government before 1855.

The sermon by Mr. Jowett in Mr. Mallock's New Republic is so perfect an imitation, both in substance and in style, that it suggested to some readers the idea that it had been reproduced from notes of an actual discourse.

The parliamentary eloquence of a later day was admirably reproduced in Mr. Edward Jenkins's prophetic squib (published in 1872)

It will be recollected that the form of the verse as originally constructed reproduced the final word of the first line at the end of the fifth, thus: "There was an old person of Basing Whose presence of mind was amazing; He purchased a steed Which he rode at full speed, And escaped from the people of Basing.

He is one of the most difficult as well as one of the most successful essays in psychological analysis ever attempted by an author; and in his wonderful portrait, which must be closely studied, and not epitomized or reproduced in extracts, we see glowing enthusiasm united to cabalistic profundity, and the most morbid tension of the intellectual powers united to clear and well-defined hopes.

The teaching of Romola is much of it reproduced, at least that portion of it which inculcates renunciation and altruism.

The Cambridge manuscript of John Milton: Lycidas and some of the other poems reproduced from the collotype facsimile.

The passional type is that which is reproduced under the sway of passion.

The habitual types are those which, frequently reproduced, come to modify even the bones of the man, and give him a particular constitution.

This division, which is not made at random, is reproduced in the subjoined diagram.

The same illustrations may be reproduced in the rising scale.

And because he was the first portrait-painter of his day, was he not reproduced with all his faults of literalness and dryness by a legion of imitators?

1176 examples of  reproduced  in sentences