849 examples of scientist in sentences

So the work of a great scientist, a potent benefactor of the race, a gentle and kindly old heart, has brought about the death of your friends and of my enemies.

It was to make him the foremost scientist of the world; the foremost individual entity of his timeof all time, possibly.

"Radium?" queried Barnett, with the keen interest of the scientist.

"Think of the nerve of this learned scientist bringing this here, and telling that it represented the results of years of difficult research?

This science, the same as every other phenomenon of scientific evolution, cannot be shortsightedly or conceitedly attributed to the arbitrary initiative of this or that thinker, this or that scientist.

The brain of the scientist is rather a sort of electrical accumulator, which feels and assimilates the vibrations and heart-beats of life, its splendor and its shame, and derives therefrom the conviction that it must of necessity provide for definite social wants.

Naturally every scientist has his function and historical significance; and we cannot expect that a brain which has arrived at the end of its career should turn towards a new direction.

No man, no scientist, no legislator, no judge, has ever been able to indicate any absolute standard, which would enable us to say that equity demands a definite punishment for a definite crime.

Moreover, we should look upon this phenomenon of a repugnance in the average intellect (whether of the ordinary man or the scientist) for all new ideas as a natural function.

You can find an illustration of this in the eloquent contortions of phantastic logic in the essays on the criminal code written by a great advocate of the classic school of criminology, Mario Pagano, this admirable type of a scientist and patriot, who does not lock himself up in the quiet egoism of his study, but feels the ideal of his time stirring within him and gives up his life to it.

But nevertheless the scientist has the urgent duty to spread the conviction that hygiene is worth as much on the field of civilization as it is in medicine for the public health.

They are not literature but express what was in the mind of the famous scientist: "Elle a cinq instruments dont je suis amoureux, Les deux premiers, ses mains, les deux autres, ses yeux; Pour le dernier de tous, et cinquième qui reste, Il faut être galant et leste.

It was matter for surprise to many that this scientist, whose intellectual gifts had been spoiled by a too lively imagination, should have remained at Plassans, this out-of-the-way town where it seemed as if every requirement for his studies must be wanting.

But how terrible are the tortures of the scientist who feels himself menaced in this way in the labors of his intellect!

A scientist's joy took possession of the doctor at sight of this labor of twenty years, in which the laws of heredity established by him were so clearly and so completely applied.

these sciences that are yet in their infancy, in which hypothesis speaks stammeringly, and imagination rules, these are the domain of the poet as much as of the scientist.

He had revealed everything, speaking freely even of his mother, without judging her, continuing to preserve toward her his deferential attitude, as a scientist who does not judge events.

Almost every page therein shows the influence of the young student's early reading of the hereinafter-printed studies by the German scientist Jagor, friend and counsellor in his maturer years, and the liberal Spaniard Comyn.

No scientist can long work effectively, even in a reasonably healthy and stimulating climate, if entirely cut off from similar interests and activities.

"Is Lord Carbury a very clever scientist?" Conolly looked just grave enough to suggest that the question was not altogether a discreet one.

One of the men present, a distinguished scientist, had actually seen the trick done.

Finally, the researches of psychologists into what was then called the phenomenon of 'Alternating Personality' prepared the way for a frank acceptance of the Catholic teaching concerning Possession and Exorcismteaching which half a century before would have been laughed out of court by all who claimed the name of Scientist.

SEE First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston.


BOWDITCH, NATHANIEL, American mathematician, born at Salem, Massachusetts; a practical scientist; published "Practical Navigation," translated the "Mécanique Céleste" of Laplace, accompanied with an elaborate commentary (1773-1838).

849 examples of  scientist  in sentences