44 examples of shadyside in sentences


Norma and Alice Guerin are going to Shadyside!"

"Well, I'm willing to jump with joy, but could you tell me what Shadyside is, and where?" said Bob humbly.

"It's the Salsette Military Academy, Betty, and it's right across the lake from the Shadyside school.

So you knew when I told you about Shadyside that you were going to be so near!" Bob nodded.

The girls were on the second floor, and Esther, the youngest, who had strenuously fought to be allowed to go to Shadyside with her two sisters, was almost beside herself with the effort to be in all the rooms at once and hear what every one was saying.

Norma wrote her mother went to Shadyside when it was a day school.

Mr. and Mrs. Littell rigidly insisted that the last night before the young folks started for Shadyside must be reserved for final packing and early retirement so that the gay band might begin their journey auspiciously.

"The only thing I don't like about Shadyside, so far, is that restriction about party clothes.

And, by the way, girls, Ruth Gladys is going to Shadyside.

"I wonder why every one seems bent and determined to go to Shadyside this year.

The Littell car carried the twelve to the station soon after breakfast, and though Shadyside and Salsette, unlike many of the large northern schools, ran no "special," the few passengers who were not school bound found themselves decidedly in the minority on the "9:36 local" that morning.

Sydney and Winifred finished their game before the Junction was reached and that brought a wild charge to get on the train that would carry them to Shadyside station.

To their relief, there was no sign of the elderly woman in the new car, and as they were all a bit tired from the journey and excitement the hour's ride to Shadyside from the Junction was comparatively quiet.

Betty looked eagerly from the window as the brakesman shouted, "Shadyside!

Shadyside!" CHAPTER X SHADYSIDE SCHOOL "Isn't it a pretty station!" said Louise Littell.

Shadyside!" CHAPTER X SHADYSIDE SCHOOL "Isn't it a pretty station!" said Louise Littell.

"Gee, do you suppose she goes to Shadyside?

" "Girls, are all of you for Shadyside?"

There were two stages for the Academy and two for Shadyside, and a smaller bus which, they afterward learned, followed the route to the town, which was not on the railroad.

Shadyside consisted of a large brick and limestone building that the last term pupils in the busses obligingly explained was the "administration," where classes were taught.

"I didn't know you were coming to Shadyside, Bobby," said Ruth Gladys Royal effusively.

And I hope you are to be very, very happy here with us at Shadyside.

and I should graduate from Shadyside.

" So from seven to half-past eight every night, except Friday, the pupils at Shadyside were busy with their books.

44 examples of  shadyside  in sentences