7 examples of telt in sentences

He telt the doctor sae when he lay in bed a-deein' aboot three weeks aifterwards.

And she telt me not to be feared; and says she: "'Hed the appearance a key in its hand?'

But when I was grown to be a woman, my aunt spent a day and night wi' me at Littleham, and she telt me there was no doubt it was the poor little boy that was missing sa lang sen, that was shut up to die thar in the dark by that wicked beldame, whar his skirls, or his prayers, or his thumpin' cud na be heard, and his hat was left by the water's edge, whoever did it, to mak' belief he was drowned.

"T' sexton's got a craigthraw like he gav' the lass over the clints of Scarsdale; ye mind what the ald soger telt us when he hid his face in the kitchen of the George here?

Who telt you yon lie?" "You were seen to pick the lock of your Davylamp, and that put the mine in danger.

"Well, you see, sir, we put some gun-cotton in a small canister, with a fuse cut to last fowr minutes, and hid it in one of the old workings the men had left; then they telt t' overseer they thowt t' water was coming in by quickly.

Yow telt the men that I fired t' mine, and if one of those men gets free they'll all tear me limb from jacket.

7 examples of  telt  in sentences