201 examples of ungenerous in sentences

And in his walk a thousand things he said, Which I forgot, yet something with me staid; He did consult the nature of the Crime, And still concluded that 'twas just in him; He run o'er all his life, and found no act That was ungenerous in him, but this fact, From which the Justice took off the Disgrace, And might even for an act of Virtue pass; He did consult his Glory and his Pride;

" This beautiful and appropriate anecdote, which seemed to throw a flood of light upon the critical State question under consideration, pleased every one except FLOYD, who swore it was ungenerous and unchivalric.

Miss Merrick, however ungenerous she might have been to others, had always maintained Elmhurst in a fairly lavish manner.

"When I have offered you the greatest reparation in my power, it is ungenerous that you should" Again a knock interrupted him.

In the meantime, I shall present the Public with a faithful Narrative of the ungenerous treatment and hard usage I have received from the virulent Papers and malicious practices of this pretended Astrologer.

I wish Mr. PARTRIDGE knew the thoughts which foreign Universities have conceived of his ungenerous proceeding with me: but I am too tender of his reputation to publish them to the World.

Added to these qualities he was a man who was loyal to his friends; and not ungenerous to his enemies.

As I perceive it will be next to an impossibility to gain a sight of you while you continue with that ungenerous woman, I entreat to know by a line how I stand in your opinion, and if the offers I make you, in the sincerity of my soul, may be thought worthy your acceptance.

I found him a very agreeable companion, for tho' much chagrined and vexed at this harsh and ungenerous treatment on the part of the Piedmontese authorities, he soon recovered his good humour, and contributed much to the pleasure of our journey.

The Times was too quick in drawing conclusions from Jules Favre being at Versailles, but there can be little doubt that terms are under consideration, and I hope the Germans will show that they are not so spoiled by success as to be ungenerous in their demands.

At the same time that I think Discretion the most useful Talent a Man can be Master of, I look upon Cunning to be the Accomplishment of little, mean, ungenerous Minds.

If bands must be used to remedy the deficiencies of ungenerous Nature, let them be at the neck and waist; and if the back is unconscionably long, a band, or fold, or ruffle across the shoulders is to be commended.

This spirit is both ungenerous and impolitic.

The Colonization Society while claiming for Liberia the right to exercise sovereign powers, seems to have had the unacknowledged conviction, that England's position, however ungenerous, was logically unassailable.

For victors to crow over the vanquished in such language he thought was worse than ungenerous, it was mean.

The author knew the circumstances in which he stood, while, as he expresses it, his ungenerous enemies were taking advantage of the times to ruin his reputation; and was conscious, that the full exertion of his genius was necessary to secure a favourable reception from an audience prepossessed against him and his tenets.

I am so ungrateful and ungenerous to her that it makes me feel ashamed.

" "Miss Sandford," he retorted, indignantly, "there is as little need of your ironical condolence as of your ungenerous insinuations.

" "You would put me in the wrong, then, and ascribe my refusal to an ungenerous pride?

'I hope you will think it not ungenerous.

Many of the Federalists saw this; and to many of them, the Adamses, for instance, and Jay and Pinckney, the West owed more than it did to most of the Republican statesmen; but as a whole, the attitude of the Federalists, especially in the Northeast, toward the West was ungenerous and improper, while the Jeffersonians, with all their unwisdom and demagogy, were nevertheless the Western champions.

I am not speaking of things obviously wrong, cruel, unkind, ungenerous, spiteful things; but it is right to give oneself away, to yield to impulses, not to take advice too much, and not to calculate consequences too much.

He will say that it isn't the first time that he has found how the increase of wealth makes people ungenerous.

Mr. Graves, the zealous friend of Shenstone, indignantly denies that any of the Lyttelton family had evinced so ungenerous a feeling towards the proprietor of the Leasowes who though his "empire" was less "spacious and opulent" had probably a larger share of true taste than even the proprietor of Hagley, the Lyttelton domainthough Hagley has been much, and I doubt not, deservedly, admired.[023]

To reimpose high duties would be alike injurious to ourselves and to all neutral powers, and, unless demanded by a stern necessity, ungenerous to those enlightened nations which have adopted cotemporaneously with us a more liberal commercial policy.

201 examples of  ungenerous  in sentences