521 examples of ved in sentences

Or old cousin Ed and May 'Ve gone and had another ba- By, I guess.

Ut venatores feram e ve

acaso ilusión de la fantasía, que oye y ve y palpa en su exaltación lo que no existe, pero la verdad era que ya cerca, ya lejos, ora á sus espaldas, ora á su lado mismo, sonaban como sollozos que se comprimen, como roce de telas que se arrastran, como rumor de pasos que van y vienen sin cesar.

Terminado este brevísimo diálogo, los dos jóvenes se internaron por una de las estrechas calles que desembocan en el Zocodover, desapareciendo en la obscuridad como esos fantasmas de la noche, que después de aterrar un instante al que los ve, se deshacen en

no ... mas ved, sin embargo, hasta donde llega mi extravagancia.

noche, y habéis encontrado un refugio en las ruinas del monasterio que aún se ve en su fondo, oidme.

Self-in-dul-gent people are al-ways un-grate-ful; and so the o-gress pro-ved, for she was con-ti-nu-al-ly de-si-ring more and more at the hands of poor Wil-lie, un-til he had no rest: and, one day, when she had been more im-po-sing than u-su-al, he turn-ed round, and told her that she left him hard-ly time to sleep, and that her ap-pe-tite was fright-ful.

María y yo vamos a hacer ampollas de jabón. ¿Ve V. mi pipa?

¿Ve V. a mi compañerita?

Hemos estado en los bosques. ¿Ve V. todas nuestras flores? ¿Le gusta a V. nuestro burro? Se llama Perico.

En la de arriba se ve el lomo de la estrella.

Ahora se ve un río.

Give me your promise, that 's all, and when I 've got things arranged, if you don't like them you can back out.

Then, turning to their own pressing need, he said: "Now we 've got to look out for ourselves.

We 've got to get her head-on.

"Braboy," she said, "ye 've be'n helpin' me nicely wid the washin', an' I 'm going ter give ye a holiday.

I 've had some very special information about Milton, the Marcovil colt, to-day.

Laura Delachi ved.

Carlotta Marchino ved.

Laura Delachi ved.

Carlotta Marchino ved.

He has an enormous appetite and before meal times he complains bitterly: "I'm starv-ved to death!"

I called to the Jap: "I'm starv-ved to death!"

The word is from the Latin villa, which, together with via, a way, or more anciently ved and vella, Varro derives from veho, to carry, because the villa is the place to and from which things are carried.

Morits blows the horn on Bellmann's place around the flowing bowl, and whole crowds dance in a circle, young and old; the carriages too, horses and waggons, filled bottles and clattering tankards: the Bellmann dithyrambic clangs melodiously; humour and low life, sadnessand amongst others, about "hur ögat gret Ved de Cypresser, som ströddes.

521 examples of  ved  in sentences