Which preposition to use with blockhouse

of Occurrences 7%

Like the blockhouses of early days, these humble meeting places were the outposts of a new and better order planted in the stronghold of the old.

at Occurrences 3%

" "No man can read the story in to-day's Journal of the 'Rough Riders' charge on the blockhouse at El Caney of Theodore Roosevelt's mad daring in the face of what seemed certain death without having his pulses beat faster and some reflected light of the fire of battle gleam from his eyes.

as Occurrences 2%

ng blockhouses as bastions at the corners.

near Occurrences 1%

After having carefully explored the coast, the Adelantado transferred his residence and built a lofty blockhouse near a safe harbour, naming the fort Santo Domingo, because he had arrived at that place on a Sunday.

on Occurrences 1%

From their blockhouse on the hill came a magazine of shot.

across Occurrences 1%

Omar Pasha went home in disgrace in November, and left in charge Hussein Avni, who had a plan of paralyzing the insurrection by building lines of blockhouses across the island and isolating the bands.

with Occurrences 1%

The principal streets are very broad and flanked by rows of old blockhouses with the usual pointed gables, and the few people seen in the streets and squares are like the survivors of a city depopulated by the plague.

from Occurrences 1%

For this reason he determined to build a fort or blockhouse from the timber of the ship which had been wrecked, all of which had been saved and was now put to that use.

in Occurrences 1%

We took position along the heights of Koumani, on the verge of the great table-land which intervenes between Rieka and Danilograd, and from which we could see the Turkish camps spread out on the plain below us; and if the Turks had but known where we were, they might have thrown their shells from the blockhouses in the plain into our camp.

Which preposition to use with  blockhouse