Which preposition to use with busy

with Occurrences 733%

They were much amused when suddenly Francis burst into the room, having escaped a moment from his Nonnon, who was busy with her last packing, his little face flushed and quivering with anger because his toys had been packed and he was to be taken away from the big house.

in Occurrences 393%

But I soon observed, to my inexpressible concern, that while Gratitude and Admiration were busy in exciting the various ranks of the vast assembly, to accomplish this favourite design, they were followed by two earthy fiends of a dark and malignant influence: these were Detraction and Indifference, who shed such a chill and depressive mist around them, that all the ardour of the Assembly seemed to sink.

at Occurrences 182%

Nay," added he, "if you had not been so much engrossed with this angry and indecorous altercation, you might have seen two of them at their needles, in an adjoining apartment, while one was busy at work in the garden, and another up to the elbows in the soap-sudsall so closely engaged in their several pursuits, that they hardly seemed to know they were the subject of discussion.

about Occurrences 95%

"P'raps you won't mind just mentionin'," said Maudie with growing irritation, "why you're makin' yourself so busy about my friends?" (Only strong resentment could have induced the plural.)

as Occurrences 86%

Will was snug down at Port Royal,sent the girls home some confoundedly pretty jewelry; they were as busy as bees, knitting socks, andWhat, the Devil!

on Occurrences 62%

My mind was very busy on the defence of the Borders, and I kept wondering how long the Governor's militia would take to reach the Rappahannock, and whether Lawrence could reinforce the northern posts in time to prevent mischief in Stafford county.

for Occurrences 59%

Other men are frankly too busy for much of these things, except for healthful recreation; and not infrequently one finds stray ministers absolutely the only men at some function to which men have been invited.

over Occurrences 39%

" CHAPTER XI THE HONER'BLE OJOY BOGLIN One morning while Patsy was alone in her office, busied over her work, the door softly opened and a curious looking individual stood before her.

among Occurrences 24%

Elspeth was busy among the startled beasts.

of Occurrences 22%

For what do the busiest of you run away from money-making, and ride in cold or heat, in dreariness or discomfort,dinners, or greetings of love and sympathy?

than Occurrences 19%

" Back in Africa Mary was busier than ever, holding court, looking after her home, and doing missionary work.

during Occurrences 12%

Now we had ammunition in plenty, both for our own guns and those we brought in from the batteries, while there was such a store of provisions that the wagons were kept busy during the entire night transporting it.

from Occurrences 11%

Being busy from morning until night we knew but little of what was about us.

within Occurrences 8%

Pentavalon is rife with war and rumours of war, everywhere is whispered talk of wardeath shall be busy within this evil Duchy

until Occurrences 8%

W. worked always very late after dinner, and he felt it was not possible to ask his directors, all important men of a certain age, to come up to the Quartier de l'Etoile at ten o'clock and keep them busy until midnight.

by Occurrences 7%

The wife of the neat-herd was ignorant of the condition of her royal guest; and observing him one day busy by the fire-side in trimming his bows and arrows, she desired him to take care of some cakes which were toasting, while she was employed elsewhere in other domestic affairs.

through Occurrences 4%

But a very few have here been mentioned of the great host of dramatists who kept the theaters busy through the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I.

behind Occurrences 4%

When Giles went to the front in this war, both Jefferson and Madison were busy behind the firing line supplying munitions.

out Occurrences 3%

Meanwhile men with the white brassard and the red Geneva cross were busy out in the open, lending succor to the Russian wounded.

amongst Occurrences 3%

That the devil is most busy amongst us that are of the true church, appears by those several oppositions, heresies, schisms, which in all ages he hath raised to subvert it, and in that of Rome especially, wherein Antichrist himself now sits and plays his prize.

under Occurrences 3%

" Her husband, who was by this time busy under the scullery-tap, made no reply.

after Occurrences 3%

Yet, that we were so suddenly overcome by the potency of the powder, I doubt if a full minute passed before we were each one busied after the manner of the bo'sun; and those whose torches had burned out, knocked flaming pieces from the burning fungus, and with these impaled upon their torch-sticks, did so much execution as any.

to Occurrences 2%

Meantime the poor lady his mother was in her tower chamber, where she was busy to the last moment packing a little chest with such things as she knew her boy would need in his new life.

around Occurrences 2%

"Rolling my tub," replied he, "that whilst everybody is busy around me, I may not be the only idle person in the kingdom.

along Occurrences 2%

We've settled in our minds that he wants to keep our people busy along Lake George, while Montcalm fortifies higher up.

Which preposition to use with  busy