Which preposition to use with clanged

of Occurrences 127%

It is like the note of a wind instrumentan oboe adding its slow note to the boom of the kettle-drum, the clang of gold-colored cymbals, and the singing ecstasy of violins.

in Occurrences 10%

Listen to the Ting-tang!" He drew aside one of the orange curtains, and Dorothea heard the note of a bell clanging in a distant street.

on Occurrences 5%

He heard the iron ring clang on the hook, and when he stopped by the horse, the big tow-rope surged to and fro across the arch.

through Occurrences 5%

Youthfully waver still round my temples; Manifold horrors have mine eyes witnessed; Warfare's dire anguish, Ilion's night, When it fell; Through the o'erclouded, dust over-shadow'd Tumult of war, to gods have I hearken'd, Fearfully shouting; hearken'd while discord's Brazen voices clang through the field Rampart-wards.

to Occurrences 4%

The blade fell clanging to the floor, and Merriwell stepped back, with the point of his rapier lowered.

with Occurrences 4%

Sarrion rode up to the gate and rang a bell, which clanged with a sort of surreptitiousness just within.

from Occurrences 3%

" There was a faint clang from the pitch.

against Occurrences 3%

He was nearer to me than I imagined, and as he threw up his knife-arm toward the bunk the blade clanged against the boarding, and his shoulder struck me.

behind Occurrences 3%

A glance showed him that we would ride him down before he could get away, and he sprang back into the mill, closing the heavy door with a clang behind him.

for Occurrences 2%

Driven from the soil in the west of Europe, to which their forefathers clang for two thousand years, they have at length, and for the first time in their entire history, found a real home in a land of strangers.

over Occurrences 2%

Street cars clanging over steel rails carry crowds of well-dressed Cuzceños past Inca walls to greet their friends at the railroad station.

at Occurrences 2%

In a few minutes there was a clang at the front-door bell, and our nurses and assistants who lived outside began to arrive.

by Occurrences 1%

The erection of hotels in close proximity to railroad tracks, or upon the main thoroughfares of cities where stone or asphalt pavements resound to every hoof-fall, and where street cars go whirring and clanging by all night long, is something more than an anachronism; it is a fiendish disregard of human comfort.

throughout Occurrences 1%

" By this massive refrain, ringing in at intervals above the ceaseless buzz, murmur, and clang throughout the buildings, every man's work was mightily nerved and inspired.

as Occurrences 1%

The third day dawned and passed, and at length, sitting there among the evening shadows in the long class-room, a little glumly, the doors clanged as of old, a loud, laughing sentence was tossed up to the little gray governess at the stair-head, then, three steps at a time, he had mounted, and was within,and what with my heart in my throat and its bewildered beating, I could not utter a word.

across Occurrences 1%

For now, from that dark treachery escaped, And tasting power which was the lust of youth, Whene'er the white blades of the sea-gull's wings Flashed round the headland, or the barbéd files Of cranes returning clanged across the sky, No half-way flight, no errand incomplete I purpose.

along Occurrences 1%

Every time I heard a car pass the hospital, one of mine went clanging along the ship's deck.

like Occurrences 1%

The earth shuddered beneath the weight of the fighting men, and the valley rang and clanged like a smithy with the tumult.

down Occurrences 1%

Electric trams went clanging down the lines.

Which preposition to use with  clanged