Which preposition to use with entrée

of Occurrences 18%

In the large dining-room may also be seen more of the matchless white marble ornamentation, and I should much like to linger and admire, but as Her Majesty the Queen-Regent has graciously promised me the entrée of other of her Royal Palaces, I am obliged rather to curtail my work in Amsterdam.

into Occurrences 14%

In Stow's Chronicle we find that one of these said gentlemen was set on horseback, his face towards the tail, which he held in his hand in the manner of a bridle, while with a collar significative of his offence, dangling about his neck, he made a public entrée into the city of London, conducted by Jack Ketch, who afterwards did himself the honour of scourging and branding the impostor, previous to banishment, which completed his sentence.

to Occurrences 13%

He used his imagination in a way which often caused me to reflect that the police would be far more efficient if they possessed a dash of the same quality; and I had noticed that they were usually glad of his assistance, while his former connection with the force and his careful maintenance of the friendships formed at that time gave him an entrée to places denied to less-fortunate reporters.

at Occurrences 2%

That they were of a superhuman nature, he was warranted in concluding from their appearance in so solitary a place as Steingartfrom their unceremonious entrée at that unusual hour into his dormitory, and from their movements, actions, and awful silence.

in Occurrences 2%

The true woman in the case makes her entrée in this innocent style: "Mrs. Schroeter presents her complements to Mr. Haydn, and informs him that she is just returned to town, and will be very happy to see him whenever it is convenient to him to give her a lesson.

with Occurrences 2%

I made the grand star-entrée with Polly and the pretty Walton girls, who were staying with us.

Which preposition to use with  entrée