Which preposition to use with flamboyants

as Occurrences 2%

Silence was called, and four or five elderly gentlemen in black-and-scarlet robes"wise in their wigs, and flamboyant as flamingoes," as a daily paper said of the judges at the Coronationsome also decorated with gilded chains and deep fur collars, in spite of the heat, entered from a side door and took their seats upon a raised platform.

of Occurrences 2%

Thus originated Gothic tracery, which afterwards branched out into such sumptuous and unrestrained luxury as we find in the Decorated styles of England, the Flamboyant of France, the late Geometric of Germany.

on Occurrences 1%

At this ranch there was a tannery; a slaughter-house; a cannery; a church; buildings of various kinds and all degrees of comfort for the thirty or forty families who made the place their headquarters; and the handsome, white, two-story big house, standing among lemon-trees and flamboyants on the river-brink.

outside Occurrences 1%

That flamboyant outside my window, once yours, is as garish, and yet lacks no consonance with all about it.

than Occurrences 1%

They are less coruscating and flamboyant than what we became accustomed to later on.

under Occurrences 1%

This love refined and purified its object, and never would have permitted it to grow into any wild and licentious Flamboyant under the serene and quiet skies of the Aegean.

with Occurrences 1%

See, too, the Rose, above the western portal Flamboyant with a thousand gorgeous colors, The perfect flower of Gothic loveliness!

Which preposition to use with  flamboyants