Which preposition to use with flasks

of Occurrences 128%

Now, I bethought me of my sister, and, going to the cupboard, I got out a flask of brandy, and a wine-glass.

in Occurrences 23%

Finding an antique flask in one of his pockets, he gradually removed all the liquid contents therefrom with a tubular straw, but still could discern no traces of EDWIN DROOD.

with Occurrences 18%

A little digging in the earth revealed the green metal of an old powder-flask with a wooden stopper.

from Occurrences 13%

Grady took a flask from his pocket and opened it.

to Occurrences 12%

"Brutus," he said, "pass the flask to my son, and give me a pistol, and steady, me with your armso.

into Occurrences 5%

" He thrust a flask into Stafford's hand, but Stafford put it away from him.

before Occurrences 3%

In the dark entry below he paused a moment, and took a satisfactory pull at a stout flask before going out into the yellowish gloom that had settled on Hare Court.

as Occurrences 2%

It was on the wedding-day that he gave my informant the shooting-flask as a remembrance, just before he and his wife went away southward.

on Occurrences 2%

The instructor placed the flask on the president's desk.

at Occurrences 2%

Seeing that he still slept profoundly, though appearing, by occasional movements of his arms, to entertain certain passing dreams of single combats, the quick womanly wit of Mrs. SMYTHE finally hit upon the homoeopathic expedient of softly shaking his familiar antique flask at his right ear.

without Occurrences 1%

So Sir Giles, having solaced himself several times with neat brandy from the large silver flask without which he never rode abroad, was in anything but a contented mood with the world in general and his own luck in particular.

by Occurrences 1%

It was already late, and very soon the new owner, with a significant look at a half-drained flask by the other's hand, and a curt "Good-night," had departed for bed.

next Occurrences 1%

" With this, he emptied the flask next him, and called to a drawer, who was in attendance, in an imperious tone, to bring two more bottles.

under Occurrences 1%

He held the mouth of the flask under first one and then the other, passing his other hand carefully behind and above them.

about Occurrences 1%

Always carry a whiskey flask about you, so that you can practice at Swallows.

Which preposition to use with  flasks