Which preposition to use with mortar

with Occurrences 30%

"We have looked at houses until we are fairly distracted, Aunt Marthe and I. One had a cellar kitchen, and I am not going to have my good Dyce buried in a cellar kitchen; and one had no bathroom, and another was all stairs; and they are all nothing but brick and mortar with a scrap of sky between.

to Occurrences 18%

Take half a pound of candid orange, cut them in thin slices, and beat them in a marble mortar to a pulp; take six eggs, (leave out half of the whites) half a pound of butter, and the juice of one orange; mix them together, and sweeten it with fine powder sugar, then bake it with thin paste under it.

of Occurrences 16%

In floating along the shore of this beautiful sheet of water, one can hardly help imagining that in the broken rocks and rough stones piled up along the margin of the lake, he sees the rains of an ancient wall, the mortar of which has become disintegrated by time, and the masonry fallen down.

in Occurrences 9%

We established direct telephonic communication from the Battery to the Infantry Brigade Headquarters in order to provide rapid retaliation, and we made several Reconnaissances to try to locate Trench Mortars in the tangle of broken ground through which the enemy line ran.

for Occurrences 7%

When the three ingredients are properly prepared, pound them altogether in a mortar for some time; for the more quenelles are pounded, the more delicate they are.

from Occurrences 4%

Although there was no occasion to roughen these walls by clearing away the old mortar from between the stones, the weather having done that quite sufficiently, and all the preparation they wanted for the first thin coat was to be well washed down, it took them a good many days, working all their time, to lay on the orthodox three coats of plaster.

up Occurrences 3%

A strong team of horses were straining their guts out in vain attempts to pull an Italian twelve-inch mortar up the hill.

among Occurrences 3%

If a scientific man, or one who calls himself so, be conceited, the conceit was there before the science; part of his natural defects: and if it stays there long after he has really given himself to the patient study of nature, then is he one of those of whom Solomon has said: "Though you pound a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his folly depart from him.

into Occurrences 3%

Can you quarry these rocks, lay them up with mortar into houses, mills, churches, public edifices?

at Occurrences 2%

[Illustration: Algerines in the act of firing off the French consul from a mortar at the French fleet.

out Occurrences 2%

Soon I had the mortar out of the joints, and the brick loose enough to prise it forward, by putting the edge of the hammer in the crack.

by Occurrences 2%

To free it from the husk, the quantity for each single meal is rubbed in a mortar by the women.

until Occurrences 2%

Rub the sugar on the lemon-rind, and pound it in a mortar until quite fine, and beat up the white of the egg until quite stiff; put the cream into a large bowl, with the sugar, wine, and beaten egg, and whip it to a froth; as fast as the froth rises, take it off with a skimmer, and put it on a sieve to drain, in a cool place.

on Occurrences 2%

A decaying cornice hangs over, dropping bits of mortar on passers below, like a boy at a boarding-house.

next Occurrences 1%

Bricklayers, however, most of them prefer that the mortar joints should be raked out and pointedthat is to say, an inch or an inch and a half of the mortar next the outer face be scratched out and replaced with fresh mortar, and finished to a line.

between Occurrences 1%

Two huge trees have fallen and when the cowherds hurry to the spot, they find that Krishna has dragged the mortar between the trunks, pulled them down and is quietly sitting between them.

during Occurrences 1%

*** The beggar who has been going about telling a pitiful story of being wounded by a trench-mortar during the Jutland battle is now regarded by the police as an impostor.

against Occurrences 1%

Then followed quiet times, except for activity by Austrian Trench Mortars against our trenches on Hill 126.

before Occurrences 1%

"I usually bruise it in the mortar before cooking, without breaking up the fibre too much, and then I heat up the little cupel furnace to about 600 C, and put the steak in on a tripod.

than Occurrences 1%

His discourse is like the braying of a mortar, the more impertinent the more voluble and loud, as a pestle makes more noise when it is rung on the sides of a mortar than when it stamps downright and hits upon the business.

around Occurrences 1%

" "Yes," said Ralph, "and it's got different mortar around the edges.

Which preposition to use with  mortar