Which preposition to use with responsibilities

of Occurrences 706%

In it go on the industrial processes of cooking, cleaning, sewing, washing; the care of silver, glass, linen, and household stores; the activities of buying food and clothing; the moral responsibilities of teaching and training servants and children.

for Occurrences 388%

Or one man may assume a responsibility for a number of people, and say: I will give this whole town shoes, in return for which you may give me a house, market-produce, clothing, and an education for my children.

in Occurrences 115%

"Oh, you've no responsibility in the matter," Kelson assured him.

to Occurrences 90%

The selectmen are thus the principal town-magistrates; and through the annual election their responsibility to the town is maintained at the maximum.

on Occurrences 56%

Peter Sitz claimed that, since he was not a soldier, he had no right to make what might seem to the commandant like a suggestion, and shoved all the responsibility on the sergeant.

as Occurrences 31%

Although from the mere habit of official caution he gave away no information which was not of a superficial and obvious kind, it was apparent he liked talking about the crime and his responsibilities as the officer who had been placed in charge of the investigations.

with Occurrences 18%

What would have been an abyss if the majority had done its duty, and had understood its joint responsibility with the Left, was not even a ditch.

by Occurrences 15%

The latter has made an attempt to rid itself of responsibility by ascribing the guilt to the rage for destruction in the German troops, who are accused of proceeding to deeds of violence without any reason or ground.

toward Occurrences 15%

The social value of encouraging the mother's natural feeling of responsibility toward her child by putting into her hands a state pension is being, let us note, widely tested, and may demonstrate the wisdom and economy of devoting public funds to mothers rather than to crêches and juvenile asylums.

about Occurrences 14%

You know, I can't feel no responsibility about Bruce.

at Occurrences 12%

feelings of responsibility at such times.

from Occurrences 11%

In order to shift the responsibility from their own shoulders, they declared that the governor had not done his duty, and they asked the States-General to disapprove of the scandalous surrender of New Netherland.

towards Occurrences 11%

"Fortunately Denis was there, for the question of responsibility towards his family.

under Occurrences 8%

In the mean time, Pascual Orozco, who emerged from the Madero revolution as a great war hero in his own State, was given no post of responsibility under the new Government, but was left as commander of the militia in the State of Chihuahua.

without Occurrences 7%

They could be introduced to a share of our responsibilities without impeding or retarding the movement to give to selected natives of India a larger share in the government of their country.

than Occurrences 5%

This it is to substitute profession for practiceto use the altar for a worldly purposeand to bestow power without any other responsibility than that which is exacted by the selfishness of caste!

through Occurrences 4%

Our British tendency is to develop habits of service and responsibility through a devotion to smaller and more intimate associations, to build on a foundation of lesser loyalties and duties.

before Occurrences 4%

The Regent succeeded in introducing to the presence of the King of Spain an unknown agent, who managed to persuade the monarch that the cardinal was shirking his responsibility before Europe, asserting that the king and queen had desired the war, and that he had confined himself to gratifying their passions.

during Occurrences 3%

The members of that body represent not the people, but the States; and though they are undoubtedly responsible to the States, yet from their extended term of service the effect of that responsibility during the whole period of that term must very much depend upon their own impressions of its obligatory force.

off Occurrences 2%

Even while you urge us to marry, to have the thing over, to have a responsibility off your mind, you feel you are sacrificing Bess to an inferior."

beyond Occurrences 1%

Rosecrans made him his chief of staff, with responsibilities beyond those usually given to this office.

between Occurrences 1%

They are treated in the various schools included in Part I only to the extent necessary to indicate the functions of the various commanders and the division of responsibility between them.

against Occurrences 1%

An executive limited only by the direct expression of popular will cannot be held to responsibility against his will, because, having possession of all the powers of government, he can prevent any true, free, and general expression adverse to himself, and unless he yields voluntarily he can be overturned only by a revolution.

like Occurrences 1%

The lives of other men had been entrusted to him, and John was not the man to take a responsibility like that lightly.

out Occurrences 1%

You must grant to every man his point of view, and, as a Christian, I cannot put my responsibility out of mind.

Which preposition to use with  responsibilities