22 Verbs to Use for the Word cholera

I wus on the Bombay Castle when she took cholera, an' we hed twenty-one days of it beatin' agin head winds off the Cape.

She had escaped the cholera.

To believe those women of the faubourg, every one into whom he injects his remedy gets the true cholera from it, without counting that they accuse him of having taken the devil into partnership.

Professor Robin reproduced cholera in dogs, and the celebrated dog Juno died of cholera in Egypt last year.

They had considered the cholera, if it was to come, as so much spiritual capital for themselves; an occasion which they could "improve" into a sensation, perhaps a "revival;" and to explain it upon mere physical causes was to rob them of their harvest.

Do you suppose I would ever have her come on this deck, if I believed she might contract cholera?

To take the lead in bringing forward a new genius is as fascinating a privilege as that of the physician who boasted to Sir Henry Halford of having been the first man to discover the Asiatic cholera and to communicate it to the public.

In one of these palm-groves we landed, for we were right thirsty; and to drink lagoon water would be to drink cholera or fever.

We have almost eradicated cholera.

The Filipinos, being for the most part ignorant of the laws of hygiene, attribute the cholera to any cause rather than the right one.

It was difficult to tell which was the greater dangerfighting Indians on the prairie, or facing the cholera in camp; but the former was decidedly the more inviting.

Have seen three choleras, two army fevers, and yellow-jack without end.

And you've given me the cholera, and spoilt my day's shooting; and if I don't serve you out for it there's no law in England!"

None of his family hod cholera but neighbors had it.

Thurnall attacks him; Major Campbell, Headley; the neighbours join in the cry; for there is no mistaking cause and effect there, and no one bears a great love to him; besides, terrified and conscience-stricken men are glad of a scapegoat; and some of those who were his stoutest backers in the vestry are now, in their terror, the loudest against him, ready to impute the whole cholera to him.

"No wonder: he has been soaking, I hear, for the last fortnight, with some worthy compeers, by way of keeping off cholera.

Karl Steinmetz, a dogged watcher of the Wandering Jewthe deathless scoffer at our Lord's agony, who shall never die, who shall leave cholera in his track wherever he may wanderKarl Steinmetz knew that the Oster was in itself a Wandering Jew.

THE CHOLERA AND AUTUMNAL COMPLAINTS.To oppose cholera, there seems no surer or better means than cleanliness, sobriety, and judicious ventilation.

You might as well try to regulate the Asiatic cholera or the smallpox by taxation.

The last great Chinese massacre took place in 1819, when the aliens were suspected of having brought about the cholera by poisoning the wells.

That's the way to clean out cholera.

However, the conditions for combating cholera were now far more favourable than in 1902.

22 Verbs to Use for the Word  cholera