5 Verbs to Use for the Word fatuity

To have been, through long uneventful unmental years, a peace-time soldier puts the imagination in jeopardy and is apt to breed a self-centred fatuity, which the inexperienced may easily mistake for deliberate naughtiness.

As for the political portion, it is difficult even now to contemplate calmly the blundering fatuity of that bigoted medieval brand of "patriotism" which led the decrepit Philippine government to play the Ancient Mariner and shoot the Albatross that brought this message.

We cannot too deeply deplore their fatuity, in giving prominence to such abstractions.

He knew also the exceeding fatuity of art criticism, which did not cause him even to smile, being simply a bore.

" "I would teach you some truths that you have never learned," he persisted, "the fatuity of mere bravado, the uses of life.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  fatuity